..::Chapter 30::..

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"Holy shit, Harry!" I exclaimed. "These pictures are amazing. Who knew you had the makings of a model."

I did.

In Louis' living room, I was gripping tightly onto a magazine that Harry had brought, with himself as the main feature. He had told us in the car that he had something to show all of us once we got there. This was far from what I expected. Harry's excitement showed through his nervousness. As scared as he was to expose his surprise, he was proud. As he should be.

"It'd be nice to see it too." Niall muttered under his breath next to me.

My nose was merely inches away from the paper as I examined every detail. The other two had tried to achieve some sort, any sort, of peek at the pictures but I made it impossible. Not on purpose necessarily, I was just too captivated by the entire spread.

Louis leaned back and threw an arm along the back of the couch just behind me, "Well Harold, I'm sure they're great. Proud of ya, mate."

"Thanks guys." Harry's smile was wide, dimples on full display.

"You look so British." I muttered, more so to myself.

Harry chuckled, mostly through this nose, "Well....." His hands opened, palms up before he clasped them back together again and leaned his elbows on his knees.

"No, I know you are obviously." I threw a pillow at him. "I mean these pictures are so typical Britain... I don't know how to explain it. It's as if you're holding a sign saying 'Just in case you forgot, I'm from England. Bow down'."

They laughed at my imagery and Niall successfully snatched the magazine from between my fingers. "Hey!" I was about to smack his arm but held it back, not wanting to seem 'too friendly'.

"It's fine, Jess, you can have that copy." Harry had continued to giggle at the exchange.

My jaw hung more open than I cared it to, "No, Harry. This is your first copy? I couldn't. I'll buy it just like everyone else, thank you."

"Alright, but it's not out for another couple months..." He smirked and stood up shrugging as he walked out of the living room.

I whimpered louder than I should have without realizing. Niall shot me a glance at that, if we were alone, it would have been followed by a sarcastic and cheeky comment, but he held back. Just as I had moments before.

"Take it, Jess." Louis laughed. "He can get a zillion free copies."

"Wanna go to da shops?" Niall looked up expectantly. When I gave him a questioning look, he continued, "You know, to get some tape so you can plaster Harry all over your walls?"

The boys all let out a giggle while I rolled my eyes, "Are you kidding? I'm framing these." I quickly grabbed the magazine and kissed the cover. "Come on, you, you're coming home with me." I whispered, pecking the pictured Harry again.

Louis chuckled and got up, shaking my hair like a child. "You're cute, Jess."

I turned to Niall and raised my eyebrows suggestively. The magazine was covering my face as I stuck my tongue out to playfully poke at picture Harry's cheek. Niall smiled and leaned in. Neither of the other boys were even in the room anymore but he still ducked behind the book as well and quickly licked my chin, lips and the tip of my noes. Groaning, I wiped most of my face with the back of my hand.

"Dat's what you get." He shrugged, standing up like the other two. I simply shook my head.

"Niall?! Wanna beer?!" Louis yelled from what I'm guessing was the kitchen.

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