..::Chapter 3::..

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Liam fucking Payne began to stand up and greet me as I slowly walked towards the table. I didn't want to think about the face I was pulling because I'm sure it was one of confusion/excitement/embarrassment/anger... anger because I was mentally cursing Sophia. I know it's not her fault, well it is, and I know I'm going to thank her later but right now I hate her.

We were supposed to meet up for a quick late morning tea session and then get medi and pedi's because she had that party tonight and I had nothing better to do today. So, with those plans in mind, I didn't exactly dress up. I had just gotten out of the shower, so my hair was getting fuzzier by the second and I was wearing capri tights with a tank top and sports bra......

Wtf sophia?

I will never forgive you.

"Hi." Liam said pulling a chair out for me. I think I nodded but honestly, I'm not even sure.

We were seated around a small circular table outside with an umbrella above us. Sophia was snickering as I took my sit. She knows exactly what she's done to me and she's not even sorry.

"Hi." Liam repeated with a bit of a giggle, sitting down.

I slightly curved the sides of my mouth upwards, not being able to look directly at him. I'm not sure whether I couldn't find the words to speak or I simply had too much I wanted to say that my brain just over heated. Regardless, nothing came out when all I tried to say was 'Hi'.

"Jess?" Sophia asked, starting to actually look worried.

This is your fault.

Blinking out of my trance, I looked at her while she began to smile at me again.

"So Jess, Sophia's told me lots about you. She tells me you girls have become quite close." Liam commented. I could feel his eyes burning through me.

"Mhm." Was all I could conjure up.

"She says you're a fan." Liam winked at me.

Sophia, you are dead to me.

I have to say something, anything. I need to form words, a sentence even.

Come on brain, man up.

I turned to Liam, really looking at him for the first time since sitting down. He was exactly the way I pictured him. It sounds silly I know, but I felt as though I was looking at the screen of my phone or a poster on my wall.

I mean I, a 20 year old young woman, don't have posters anymore...

"Sorry." Was what I came up with. Why.

"Are you apologizing for being a fan?" Liam laughed.

"Kinda, I guess. I'm a bit star struck, sorry."

"Wow, it is true. Canadians do say sorry a lot." Not gunna lie, that's my favourite stereotype about Canadians. Well done Liam.

"You do say it a lot actually." Sophia piped up.

"Oh sorry." I said.

The two of them laughed and I joined them once I had realized I had said it again.

"I am sorry though. I'm not crazy I swear, I just need to ease up a bit. But yes, I am a huge fan."

"What kind of girl are you?" Liam asked.


"What kind of girl are you? Are you a Harry girl? Niall? Louis?.... me?" Liam repeated, with a straight face.

I'm a Niall girl all the way.

"I love all of you guys, equally." I answered.

"Bullshit." Liam said sitting back in his chair.

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora