..::Chapter 6::..

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Work was absolute hell, plain and simple. The only thing getting me through it was the thought of going back upstairs, making some soup and watching an old movie. And when I say old, I mean old, like black and white shit. I know how cliché it sounds but that's my favorite thing to do. Especially today, the weather was typical for London, rainy and cold. And it was supposed to stay like that all week.

I had the morning shift tomorrow, meaning with the weather and the time of day, it was going to be slow and boring but I'm not complaining.

No pictures or anything surfaced either. Only photos of the boys out at the club seem to have made it online and I wasn't seen in any of them. To which I was grateful for.

Soon enough I was in bed for the night. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning was actually my first opening shift. I got to unlock the doors, open the tills, set up the tables, etc. I wasn't that nervous or anything but I was thankful for the slow costumer flow.

Just when I was about to start my sudoku puzzle, the bell above the door rang.

"Dammit Jack, you would come in here this early and ruin my peace and quiet." I shouted.

Jack was a regular that came in a lot. We wasn't a drunk though, just liked his beer. I've never had to cut him off and I'd rather have him in here than all of my other regulars. He was very respectable with a wife and kids. Two young girls, I think. He was short, stout and bald, but he almost always wore a hat to cover it.

"Oh shut your trap Jess, I'm saving you from boredom." He bellowed, hoping onto a barstool and removing his hat.

"My hero... It's a bit early, eh?" I said, about to pour his usual.

"I actually came in for breakfast. The Mrs didn't feel like cooking and neither did I." He belly laughed. "So I thought I'd come visit my favourite bartender."

"Awwe." I giggled.

"Yeah, is Charlie around by the way?" He said, pretending to look around the room.

"You're a dick." That's an old joke but it killed me. It's not hard to make me laugh. "Anyway, what are you having?"

He ordered his breakfast and the cook had it ready almost instantly. Jack was drinking tea with it.

"Got work today Jack?" I asked as I cleaned up his finished plate.

"Ya, but not until 5 tonight." He wanted another cup of tea which I gave him.

"Well, what are your plans for today?"

There was only one other couple sitting in the far corner at a table in the whole place. It was around 12 now and it seemed there'd be no lunch rush. Thank god.

I'm stuck here until 4 with nothing to do. I had already overstocked everything, every dish was clean and I did inventory twice already.

I didn't really want Jack to leave to be honest. He's good company.

The front door dinged again but this time I didn't call out to him because I was in a bit of a shock.

"Niall, ma boy!" Jack bellowed. "How the hell are ya?!"

"Jack, you bastard! I'm good, how bout you?" Niall answered.

They know each other? But more importantly, why is he here?

"I'm good, good. Haven't seen ya in ages." Jack patted Niall on the back as Niall took the stool next to him.

"Been touring cuz someone has to work around here." Niall smirked at him.

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora