..::Chapter 21::..

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Dedicated to givemedahoran because she's been super nice and supportive. Thank you!

The air became thick and defeated the purpose of coming out here. I whipped around quickly to find... Baxter, Brandon, Brady... BRODY... to find Brody standing over me.

Unfortunately, I hadn't had the pleasure of running into him since the day I met the boys at Liam's house.

Jeez, that felt forever ago.

"I was under the impression my room was off limits, but I guess I can make an expectation for you." He spoke slow and soft.

His hand rose to gaze the slightly exposed skin of my high thigh. I took a step back out of instinct, which he reciprocated by taking a step forward.

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was your room." I squeaked, taking another step away from the tall man.

"No need to apologize baby." He reached for my hand to pull me towards him.

His hands quickly clasped behind my back to hold me against him.

"So beautiful." Warm lips found my neck as I applied pressure to his chest.

"I should get going." I tried not to sound as scared as I was and failed miserably.

His finger pulled my high neckline down a bit, trying to access more skin.

"No, babe. It's my party and it's a custom to bring the host a gift." He bit my flesh hard enough to know, without looking, that he'd left a mark. "And since your hands are empty... let's put them to good use."

He dragged me inside while I tried to put up more of a fight.

"No. Please, stop. Just let me go back downstairs." I tried to bargain.

"What, so you can go tell the 1D crew? Nah, I think I'll get what I want first."

And with that, he slammed his mouth to mine. Holding my lips captive. Of course, I pushed harder and squealed into his mouth. The hand that was holding my head in place suddenly gathered a chunk of my hair and pulled me back.

"Kiss me back." He said through gritted teeth.

"Fuck you!" I spat and was about to scream when his other hand covered my mouth, muffling my cries.

"Kiss me back and I'll let you go." His hand gripped tighter and pulled harder.

Tears were now spilling from my eyes as I internally weighed out my options.  My eyebrows creased as I stared into the eyes of my captor. I hated myself for what I was about to agree to.

Niall entered my mind and it felt like he was standing right next to me, shaking his head. But I didn't know what to do.

If I continued to say no, what more would he push me to do. His strength was clearly overwhelming and nothing I could compete with. I could walk out of this room with more taken from me than a few stolen kisses.

The pain he was inflecting on me numbed my senses until he twisted hand, winding up my hair. I quickly nodded my head, silently notifying him that I would comply with his wishes.

His smug smile was shown before he uncovered my mouth and replaced it with his own. I didn't kiss him back right away, which earned a grunt from him and hand to my throat. I started to match his movements and he grunted again but in pressure instead.

My eyes were open the entire time, staring at the door. Niall's ghostly image reappeared as he continued to shake his shake, pleading me to stop. It looked like he was screaming at the top of his lungs but I heard nothing. The scene still caused a wrenching feeling in my chest. Like someone was fondling my heart and squeezing it, just to see me squirm.

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora