..::Chapter 10::..

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I stirred awake to my phone going off due to a text message.

Niall: wake up you lazy shit I'm bored!!!

You know, the thought of Niall Horan texting me always seemed like a good idea...

Me: well congratulations, I'm up now...

Niall: great! I'm coming to pick you up!!

Me: ugh okay you'll probably have to wait for me

Niall: you better hurry :P

To be honest, I was in no rush. He had woken me up so I didn't care if I made him wait. I lazily got out of bed and checked my phone again.

3:00 pm.

Shit, I did sleep in but in my defense I was up all night.

There were other messages and missed phone calls from Sophia too but I put my phone down, deciding to reply later.


She tried to keep me from spending time with the boys, especially alone time, and there I was getting ready to hangout with Niall. Not that I would have ever let my relationship with her be effected by mine with Niall, but I still didn't want her to know about the hangout.... I wanted to keep it a secret but knew that it would eventually blow up in my face. Maybe, I could talk to Niall about it.

Charlie and Lily were in their rooms, both still nursing a hangover I'd wager, so I left them be as I tiptoed into the bathroom. 

I took a quick shower and went for my usual makeup look: little bit of foundation to cover spots and some mascara. My hair was already starting to frizz as it dried so I threw it into a ponytail.

I didn't know what Niall had planned for today, if anything in particular, so I didn't have a clue what to wear. I decided to play it casual. I was wearing light blue washed ripped jeans and a simple loose fitting white t-shirt. I threw on my knockoff Toms, because I'm cheap as hell, and was basically ready to go.

I walked into the kitchen for some orange juice and toast when my phone went off again.

Niall: are you gunna let me in or are you ready to go?

Me: I'll be right there

Chugging the orange juice and grabbing the toast to go, I locked the door and headed downstairs. I made sure to text both of my roommates my whereabouts as well.

Niall was parked in his usual spot, right across the sidewalk in front of the door. I got in the car and buckled my seatbelt.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Niall said too loudly. Definitely on purpose.

"You know what, on second thought I forgot I'm actually busy today." I said, pretending to get out of the car.

Niall drove off laughing.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well, I have groceries to put away and laundry to fold... Soo onward to my house!!" Niall cheered.

I bit into my toast, being careful for crumbs, and rolled my eyes.

"Did you seriously just wake me up to help you with your chores?" I said, with too much food in my mouth.

"Look at it dis way: we'll get them done faster with two people."

I just shook my head. No point in arguing, I'm up now so whateva.

It was about a 25 minute drive to Niall's house, so we filled in the time with pleasant conversation.

It was so easy to talk to him. We could float from one topic to another, from one extreme to one... not so extreme. You didn't have to think too much about what to say or how to say it, you just did.

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