..::Chapter 4::..

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My jaw was barely hanging on as I stared at the three of them. Harry was about to say something when she burst in the kitchen.

"I thought I heard you guys!" Cassy yelled, attacking Niall in a hug first and then the rest of them.

"Look at her, she is absolutely gobsmacked!" She rested an elbow on Harry's tall shoulder, whose attention was still on me, and her other hand was on her hip. Cassy's arm reached over and closed my mouth before returning back to it's previous position.

"Oh shut it Cass. What's your name love?" Louis asked. Cassy didn't really react to his comment.

As I was about to answer, Sophia came around to my side of the island and put her hands on my shoulders.

"This is Jessica Mason. The Jess I've told you all so much about." Soph said and squeezed my shoulders.

"Oh yeah. Y'er Canadian right?" Niall asked.

His accent was beautiful. I mean my boss has an Irish accent too but I didn't care for it. I loathed it even. But Niall's was different and intriguing and ugh, hot.

"Uh yeah." Hey, at least I actually formed words this time.

At least he didn't think I was American. But Sophia did tell him already so it's kind of cheating. Again, nothing against Americans. It's just fucking annoying.

"Now I want to hear about how exactly Liam 'rendered you speechless'?" Harry spoke for the first time, using hand air quotes and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Now, now, Harold. We clearly heard her say she didn't want us to think she was crazy and obsessive. So, I think that story would be best saved for another time." Louis said, defending me.

Thanks Louis, I guess.

"Oh my god." I whined.

I immediately buried my face in my hands, mentally wishing for a complete do-over of the day.

"Alright, everyone. Let's get this party started with a shot of tequila then we'll move to the dinning room and play some good old fashion beer pong." Liam interjected.

All the guys and Cassy cheered. Liam placed 8 shot glasses on the island and a bottle of tequila that I knew was expensive. Andy grabbed the salt and lemon slices. After everyone had licked their hand and poured the salt we counted down.

"Three! Two! One!" We cheered.

The tequila burned well but was smooth, due to the expensive brand.

As we walked into the dinning room, there were two beer pong games set up waiting to be played. It then occurred to me: who was my partner going to be? I mean I assumed Sophia but with the arrival of Cassy, I'm not so sure. Sophia, again, must have known what I was thinking because she said,

"Cass and I are always partners. Along with Liam and Andy, Harry and Louis, and Niall and... Well, Zayn."

"Well, if Niall needs a partner, I'll volunteer and you can be with your new Canadian friend." Cassy so graciously offered.

"No, I wouldn't want to break up best friends. I'll be Jess' partner." Niall said moving next to me.

I loved the way my name sounded with his accent. I'd heard my boss scream my name thousands of times but never thought twice about it. I'll be replaying this in my head for a while.

"Thank you." I sort of whispered so that only he would hear.

"No, thank you." He whispered back.

I thought at first he actually wanted to be my partner but maybe he only chose me because he didn't want to be Cassy's partner. For right now, I'll take it.

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora