..::Chapter 23::..

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"My god... she's changed so much since I last saw her. She's got like actually facial features n stuff."

His large hand gingerly rubbed the top of her head, being careful of her soft spot. As cute as Sydney was, I found myself watching Niall instead. His smile was now more of a soft small grin while his eyes slowly gazed at every part of her, taking her all in.

"Hello princess. Princess Sydney." My eyes lingered on his lips as they molded each word softly. The small smile soon returned.

"What?" Was the next word his mouth formed.

My face suddenly felt hot as blood rushed to my cheeks. I had been smiling like an idiot without my knowledge and Niall seemed to realize this because he chucked at my embarrassment. I was caught staring.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head. "You're just really cute."

"Tanks, so are you." He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

After turning on his heel, he maneuvered his way around the kitchen. From his duffle bag, he pulled out multiple containers that held various prepped vegetables, foliage, and meat. Chicken, I think.

"So what does Master Chef Horan have in store for us this evening?" I asked as I placed Sydney back into her swing, setting it on low.

"Just a simple stir fry." He shrugged. "Nothing too complicated."

"Sounds good enough for me. My level of cooking is pretty much the same." I giggled as I rounded the island to his side.

He had turned on the stove, with a skillet on one of the burners. An opened package of two chicken breasts lay open in front of him. Niall grabbed them one-by-one and placed each one carefully on the now hot skillet.

I was merely watching him from behind when I finally reached forward and slid my arms around him.

"Jess..." He sighed. "I'm trying to cook."

"Thank you for cooking us dinner." I kissed his clothed shoulder, then the collar, then the back of his neck. He tensed as soon as my lips came into direct contact with his skin.

He grabbed my arms and released himself from my hold.

"We can't." He said.

"Can't what?" I laughed.

"Sydney... remember? No funny business." He frowned as he turned to face me.

I laughed a bit harder, "Niall, I hugged you? I didn't put my hand down your pants?"

"I know..." He slid himself from between me and the stove and walked away to open a container of mushrooms. "I just think we should respect Mr. O'Neil's wishes and behave."

He was avoiding eye contact with me and continued to keep his back to me.

"Mr. O'Neil? God, Niall, call him Brayden." I scoffed, confused by his sudden change in attitude.

"Just showing him the respect he deserves." He shrugged again but I was momentarily captivated by the way his back muscles worked under his shirt.

He was opening cabinets and drawers, clearly in search for something. When he bent down to look in the lower cabinets, he'd stick his bum out a little. When it came to the top ones, he'd have to go up on his tippy toes or take a step back to look. After retrieving a pan, he gave it its own stove burner, but had yet to turn it on. He then flipped the chicken beasts.

I smirked without his knowledge and slowly crept up behind him again.

"So, you're telling me I'm supposed to keep my hands to myself the entire night?" I tried to sound innocently astounded.

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