..::Chapter 9::..

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My night was lame in terms of what activities were taking place but I was having a blast.

It was around 8pm and Ava and I were in her living room siting around her coffee table. Ava was on the couch, taking up most of it with her legs and belly, while I sat on the floor across from her. A 1000 piece puzzle was being tackled between us.

I'm not sure what it's supposed to be anymore because I've been drinking wine whilst Ava's been drinking water from a wine glass. Classy.

Our night had mainly consisted of cards, movies, puzzles, scrabble, and gossip.

Ava already knew about Niall showing up on Monday but she never asked more about what happened after my shift ended. I opened up to her though and told her everything.

I could have told Charlie and Lily what happened but I was worried about them knowing when Niall stressed it be kept a secret. I shouldn't care but I respected his wishes for some reason.

Ava, on the other hand, wouldn't tell a soul. I knew that. I could share my deepest darkest feelings with her and get no judgment or hate back.

This whole Niall situation was too confusing for my mind and I needed a release. So, Ava was my outlet.

"I honestly don't know what to tell you." Ava said shaking her head. "Something is missing. I understand he might be worried about the hate but there's more too it."

"Right? I can't read him. I can usually read everyone, but not Niall." I said.

I had two pieces of the puzzle in hands. There was a 90% chance they didn't go together but that didn't stop me from forcing them to line up and fit together.

"No more boy talk. I'm hungry!" Ava said, starting to sit up.

"You sit! What do you want? I'll get it." I yelled, louder than I wanted to, as I stood to my feet.

I wobbled a bit. I hadn't realized how much the wine had effected me until I got up. I stood still, waiting for my eyes to stop moving in my head.

"No, no. I want to go downstairs and make something. I need to stretch my legs."

"But all those stairs??" I complained.

I didn't know if I was complaining for her sake or mine. She was the pregnant one, but ugh I was so dizzy.

Ava was already at the door and starting down the stairs. I ran to her and offered to help her down. She seemed to be doing just fine so she declined my offer.

We finally made it downstairs to an empty pub. Even though it was a Saturday, the pub was closed. Brayden had made the decision that with only the girls here with no men to protect us, that he could afford being closed on a Saturday night. It's very old world thinking of him but I wasn't objecting to not having to work a Saturday night.

I instructed Ava to sit at a table while I made her something to eat. She insisted on a simple grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.

As I stirred the soup, it occurred to me that it probably wasn't the safest thing for me to be cooking right now. My head spun with every rotation of the soup.

The thoughts were interrupted when Ava walked into the kitchen.

"Uh, I dropped a fork and can't pick it up." She said, oddly quick.

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