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It has been inadequately two days subsequent to the emotional encounter Isabella had with Venus, following the moment, the Rosalind family have become more comfortable in Jackson

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It has been inadequately two days subsequent to the emotional encounter Isabella had with Venus, following the moment, the Rosalind family have become more comfortable in Jackson. Ivy and Robin slowly grew bonds with members of the community their age and Venus promised her mother she will soon get out of her comfort zone and make companions just like her siblings.

At present, Isabella made her way down the community of Jackson with a well baked apple pie in her hands, it was her way of saying thank you to the couple who allowed the Rosalind family take residency in the society. She could feel the looks each member passed onto her due to the dessert in her hands, Isabella didn't think of herself much of a skilled person, but she was familiar with how well she was able to bake or cook.

It didn't take long for the matriarch to arrive and she hoped at least one of them was at home so she didn't look like a fool bringing two of the most important members of the society, food. Nevertheless, it was the morning; the house was the largest house in Jackson, Isabella wasn't surprised, if she created and helped build a community, she would've wanted the largest house of all.

Shortly, the front door was open and there stood a just-woken-up Tommy in his bed clothes, rumpled and bedraggled, slightly surprised about who stood opposite him but what quickly caught his attention was the cinnamon-apple scent that cuffed his nose.

"Hey," Isabella kindly greeted and proximately Maria's voice was herd throughout the house along with her footsteps as she urged herself towards the front door.

"Good morning, Ms. Rosalind," Tommy attentively welcomed as he made some space for Maria to examine what was going on.

"Oh, just call me Isabella," the widow benevolently reassured and gently pushed forward the pie to display to them why she was here, "I just want to thank the both of you for allowing my family and I to stay here," Isabella elucidated.

Maria was the one to take the pie away from Isabella prior she approved for Isabella to come in. "You're welcome, I thought it was the right thing to do, we don't usually allow people to just come in," Maria explained as Tommy closed the door right after Isabella stepped into their home. "Thank you for the pie, it smells delicious," Maria smiled as she placed the pie on the closest table she could find just as Tommy went into the kitchen to search for utensils, he could cut the dessert with.

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