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"The pregnancy is going to be a difficult one," the doctor said, uncomforted, Isabella had laid on the hospital bed, hand in hand with Kai, who had looked at his wife with remorse, his mouth had been down and there been a stress line across his forehead. As he muttered low words, he had made sure she could only hear, she had heard him mention how he should've listened to her moments ago when she was unsure about the faith of the Ophanim Religion, due to this, Kai had believed everything was his fault.

He should've listened to her when Isabella had speculated the place had been getting her sick, and truthfully, Isabella had agreed. Though, she had not said it, she thought it would've been bad to make him more guilty than he already was, on the other hand, as the pregnancy was going to be a difficult one, Isabella had not wanted to be in a situation where she would pick a fight with him.

"It's okay," Isabella whispered, eyes soft as she returned to look to the front. "You did not know everything would turn out like this," she said and as the doctor quickly informed the couple that he would return, he exited the room which had aided Kai and Isabella to be comfortable with what they had wanted to say. "How's the situation with Lana going?" Isabella questioned and with a short-twisted face, Kai had then sat down on the small seat that had been near the bed.

"Everything's going slow," he shortly responded. "I don't think I'll ever be able to persuade her to ease up on the belief."

With a short hum, Isabella softly slid her hand away from Kai, she had wanted to tell Kai to give up on Lana, but she had understood that now Kai had been aware of the trouble he had put Isabella under when he was devoted to the religion, he had sympathised with Hana and wanted to right his wrongs. Thus, before Isabella could speak, she had been interrupted by the doctor who re-entered the room.

"This is a list of things you'll need to eat, you'll have to be healthy as possible for the pregnancy to go well," the doctor said and with a brief smile, Isabella grabbed the paper from him before she examined the diet plan.

"Thank you," Isabella said and with his hand on her shoulder, Kai gently pushed her to gather her attention.

"This will be our last child," Kai said and with a thin smile, Isabella beckoned her head in agreement.

"Our last child."



It had been a moment since Ellie had been alone with Venus, the duo had spent time together in the living room watching television, specifically a show Ellie suggested and thought Venus would like, when in truly, Venus had not been interested in it at all. Though she had wanted to be kind and sit through the long episode with the Williams girl, who from time to time awkwardly shuffled a look at the younger girl, unsure to talk to her about the subject that reigned in her mind.

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