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RATING - 18+ [mentions of rape, abuse; death, canon typical violence].

RATING - 18+ [mentions of rape, abuse; death, canon typical violence]

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20th of SEPTEMBER 2013

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20th of SEPTEMBER 2013

Both exhausted by the colossal amount of food they've chewed down, the 20th of September was the last night the two stayed in the abandoned home, it was declared that Alexander's friend was on their way to pick them up, so, insightful that their trip, to the safe area their friend was going to escort them to was going to take quite a while. Meaning that it would be more difficult to catch food and even catch sleep.

"I'm so happy that we're going to get out of here," Alexander tiredly whispered, his body angled and inclined opposed to the couch he sat on. His body furtherly limp than it usually was, slowly, Lilith sneakily peered at the plate of food she served to him not too long ago, in broad thought, as she returned her gaze to Alexander, who rested the back of his head at the top of the couch, his body spread in enervation.

Lilith sadly pressed her cheek against the furniture, her eyes burly and doe, attentive and benign of the approaching outcome. "I hate you for all the things you've done to me."

Confused, Alexander mumbled in response, too feeble to say a word. "What you did to me was wrong, everything, was wrong, I shouldn't have come to America with you."

With a random deluge and wave of strength, Alexander pulled himself closer to Lilith for her to only avoid his graze, she hastily hopped to her feet, her presence off the sofa and away from him. Jazzed and ready that there'll be a ferocious and dangerous moment between the two.

"Lilith, come to me," Alexander angrily urged.

"No," Lilith refused as she shook her head. "I've listened to you for years, it's enough. I've had enough with everything you have done to me! You've groomed me! Raped me! Allowed your friends to rape me, you've abused me and done every imaginable thing a sick bastard like you could think of!"

"Lilith, you don't know what you're saying."

She squinted her eyes at him in incredulity, in disbelief that this was the man she thought loved her. "No, I do know what I'm saying, I just naively allowed you to control my chain of thoughts, my behaviour, what I wear, what I do, what I say, and I won't allow that no more, no."

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