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5TH of APRIL 2012

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5TH of APRIL 2012

Lilith didn't recognise or understand what she felt, or what she was supposed to feel. It was supposed to feel good? Wasn't it? She was told that it was feel copacetic and inviting, but Lilith didn't feel like that at all, a couple of hours ago Alexander did speak to his girlfriend and spoke to her in a way that made Lilith repute that she owed him her body.

He saved her, didn't he? It was the least she could do, well, that was what Alexander said to Lilith.

He stood in front of her, shirtless, but his trousers pulled up to his waist as he completed to put on his belt, the room was stilled and whist, Lilith too soundlessly repulsed to say anything, Alexander caught onto her muted stance and dragged his index finger up her chin, "did you like it?"

His voice was quiet but rough, Lilith looked down at the ground as she accumulated the dispute she was going to say but all she could mutter was a simple, "yes."

"Good," Alexander kindly whispered ere he pecked a simple kiss on her forehead before he left the bedroom.

Left Lilith who sat on their cot in pain, she didn't understand, she has done it with Alexander before numerous of times, but she couldn't comprehend why it was today her body screamed in ache and discomfort. Perhaps, she wasn't ready? Yet, Lilith believed she was damp enough for it to not hurt.

The amount of talk and thoughts that entered her mind overwhelmed her, aside from the pain, it was the alcohol bottles and the scent of lit candles and sliced cake on the table near their bed that added to her spiked emotions. It was Lilith's sixteenth birthday and Alexander informed the young girl that it was two years till her official woman hood and that he wanted to appoint and prepare Lilith earlier and cause her to become a type of woman she morally shouldn't have become until she was at least in her middle-ages.

Alexander had au fait Lilith that them having a child would strengthen the bond they currently had and Lilith knew that he just wanted to find a way to always have a connection towards her. For all that, Lilith was too tired to think of Alexander's malicious motivations and she laid on their bed, tired and exhausted from their previous actions and had wished that time could just hastily hurry up so that the pain she felt between herself could work towards an end.

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