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On the porch deck, the little girl sat down, gathered in her own thoughts as she was half-way through the published document that was considered too mature for her, a Game of Thrones, even though Venus adored the book she did desire to have the ot...

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On the porch deck, the little girl sat down, gathered in her own thoughts as she was half-way through the published document that was considered too mature for her, a Game of Thrones, even though Venus adored the book she did desire to have the other books George R.R Martin published.

The girl waited for her siblings as today was the first day of school for the three Rosalind children and Venus felt indifferent about learning and meeting new people she would most likely ignore, the weather was nice, hot enough for the girl to not wear the black jumper she normally wore over her long-sleeved buttoned shirt.

Her mother contrived and pleaded for Venus to wear something lighter so she wouldn't overheat under this climate and for her mother to stop objecting, Venus followed suite and threw one a fitted white short-sleeved button up shirt Ivy made for her a couple of months ago.

"You're a bit too young to be reading that."

Joel stood at the bottom of the deck stairs, watched the young girl with an entertained façade on his face, his arms were crossed and eyes impertinent to what must've drawn the young girl to the mature novel.

"My mummy said that I'm not allowed to speak to strangers."

Joel pressed his lips together, heedless with what to say, yet, still entertained by the girl. "Speaking of your mother, where is she?"

"Working at the Diner," Venus forwardly responded during the moment she closed her book, Joel marked Venus impressed with how easy it took Isabella to make herself comfortable within the community.

"Is that right?" He hummed weakly snowed by the information, Venus beckoned her head, unsettled and obscured to why the older man seemed interested with what her mother was doing.

Belatedly, Ivy and Robin left their cabins, eventually ready to go to school, the two older Rosalind siblings promptly noticed the taller man who stood at the bottom of the short steps of stairs speaking to their younger sibling. Still and all, the moment he realised that Ivy and Robin stood there, perplexed to why he was here, Joel sent them a comfortable smile prior to silently bidding Venus a goodbye and making his way down the pavement.

Venus lifted herself from the deck and shortly made her way down the stairs and towards her siblings who poised there ready to hit Venus with a bunch of questions.

"What were the two of you speaking about?" Robin asked, intrusive and meddling about the interaction Venus and Mr. Miller with each other.

Venus shrugged her shoulders, blasé and inattentive of his question, yet still replied out of manners, "he was asking me where mum was."

"And did you tell him?" Asked Ivy and Venus nodded her head as an answer, "why?" the older sibling clicked her tongue, the last thing she wanted was an odd man being a creep to her mother.

Finally, honoured to say what was in her mind, Venus weirdly smiled at Ivy with a knowing look on her face, "because I know mum likes him."

Startled and dismayed by the material Venus just threw into their faces. Ivy and Robin shared surprised ganders with each other, evidently wanting to know to a greater extent about their mother's infatuation with the Miller man they attempted to block Venus from walking more but their curiosity was shut down with Ellie who made her way towards the three siblings. Her face more positive compared to when they first met her.

"Ellie," Ivy was first to notice the red-head, she stood up straight, face contented to see the girl.

As observing the Rosalind family were, as expected, Venus and Robin remarked the positive spirit Ivy expressed just by seeing the William girl. "Hi, Ivy," Ellie kindly greeted the dark-haired girl and then turned to Ivy's younger siblings and graced them with an accessible smile. "Robin, Venus."


It didn't take long for Isabella too adapt herself in the new environment, she wasn't on chef duty yet, Maria fashioned Isabella to take on orders before she could move into the kitchen, the widow was somewhat upset she was not in the cuisine yet, but she had a gut-feeling it wouldn't take her long to move there.

Notably with how Maria and Tommy boasted about the apple-pie Isabella baked for them, they both bragged and gloated about how they gobbled all the pieces and crumbs; advertising the additional women to the citizens who clearly looked appetized and interested to eat the apple-pie the leaders of the town spoke about.

"I promise I'll make enough apple-pies and other desserts for the entire of Jackson," Isabella kindly joked before she noted down an order a customer arranged, unaware of the presence that came forward near to her, though with the motives to speak to his brother about the patrols outside Jackson.

Nonetheless, the moment she heard his deep thick Texan accent, her eyes rose to him with a short smile, quietly watched him have a short conversation with his brother, yet, Isabella didn't want to appear as eccentric and flaky so she carried on with her task with giving the people in the kitchen the current order she received. The chore was agile and brief and Isabella was able to return the counter and face Joel who sat on a seat in front of her.

"Excuse me," a hoarse and harsh voice, different than Joel's called out to her, the woman turned to face a man who she remembered was Seth. He ran a local bar named the Tipsy Bison and was a cook himself, he was a tall man, will full silver hair that was short, his face wrinkled and quite saggy, he didn't have the kindest eyes or appearance, and he stared at Isabella with a harsh expression, almost disgusted.

Isabella pushed the uncomfortable energy he brought to her and kindly spoke to him, "hi, may I take your order?"

Seth nodded his head whilst he gently coughed without covering his mouth then did a gesture with his hand, urged Isabella to come forward, and so she did. Slightly distressed by Seth's suspicious behaviour, the woman still behaved professional and wrote down whatever the man needed, but every time a man pronounced a word in a sentence, it seemed like he was disgusted by her.

"If you don't want me to take your order, you could've called for another staff."

"You're the closest one," Seth sneered and Isabella felt her lip twitch, irritated she beckoned her head in respect before she pulled herself to the kitchen and passed down the note that had the old man's order.

Isabella perceived herself as an intelligent woman, and she discerned that the type of moody stance Seth had with her had a root, she took one last glance at the man who stared at her with a hint of antipathy and hostility then she felt an unpleasant sensation in her stomach.

With his attitude it seemed like Seth knew Isabella, and the thought of that made her feel rotten; as years passed from her history. Isabella tried her best pushing down her yore and antiquity, she acknowledged it wasn't the best past someone could live through or be remembered by, and every time Isabella's past ran through her mind, she continuously attempted to remind herself that everything she did, was to survive.


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