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RATING 18+. [miscommunication, sexual assault, alcohol and drug consumption].

this chapter is really going to be heavy! but the act is not going to be written but implied! i'll put a warning before it happens. the warning [***]

 the warning [***]

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15th of JUNE 2017

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15th of JUNE 2017

Married, were Isabella and Kai, the Oraphim were deliberate and austere about people in their community to be espoused to another, the two had no problem being with each other, throughout the years in the society, the two people had no troubles growing closer to one another, loving each other, mentally and physically; they were enamoured and lovesick.

Kai was devoted to the Oraphim religion and Isabella had always been distrustful and cagey about it, she had ben unsure the moment Kai had informed her about the religion before they arrived in the Oraphim community. Typically, Isabella would keep her thoughts to herself, but the bothered look she wore currently was too clear for it to be unnoticed by her husband, he had paused what he had been doing and neared his presence towards Isabella's uncomfortable physique. She was slightly hunched and her face was pouted, Kai had observed that his wife would usually do that whenever she overthought about a topic she abhorred.

"What's wrong?" Kai inquisitively questioned, his warm form gingerly comforted the young woman who avoided to answer his inquiry, she had said nothing but softly moved away from him, her avoidant nature caused him to pull her smaller body into his balmy figure, kindly embraced her as he pleaded his lover to express what she had been holding in.

Isabella eluded his stare, nervous to what she had to say. "You won't like it."

"I will be fine with whatever you say, Bella."

Shortly, Isabella clenched her jaw fore she turned to look into his eyes, serious and solemn about her thoughts. "Do you genuinely believe in the Oraphim religion?"

"Yes," he briskly replied, deliberate and grave about his belief, but with the deadpan expression Isabella had on her face, entailed that she was unmoved but bothered. "They're a good religion and they teach people to be good," he desperately contested just as Isabella shrugged his arms off her.

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