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RATING - G+. [canon typical violence].

 [canon typical violence]

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Lilith could barely see what was happening around her as the azure sky was dim and aphotic, alone, Lilith had just gotten away from a bunch of infected, paranoid and low of tools, shortly after, Lilith had heard the deranged and maddened noises of infected that hastily overwhelmed her, out of luck for her gear and appliances, Lilith had thought to run for her life until noises of bullets pierced through the darkness, the weapons took out of what was left of the creatures.

A man, about her age exposed himself to Lilith's sight, briskly urged the woman to follow him before anymore of the infected could chase after them, the two scrambled and raced away from their current location and to a zone where the man was sure they two were going to be safe.

They had reached a discarded coffee shop that seemed to have much supplies the two could collect from, the man had closed the coffee door shop while Lilith had placed her bag against the closest dusty table whilst the man had done the same.

"Thank you," Lilith kindly thanked the stranger, genuinely grateful for his conduct.

He welcomed her as he brought out his hand for the woman to shake, "I'm Kai," he benevolently introduced himself, "short for Kaileen."

Lilith sneered at his introduction, humoured by his identity. "My mother named me that," Kai smiled entertained by her diverted state.

"Now why would your mother name you that?" Lilith questioned, authentically curious on his mother's thought process. Truthfully, Isabella thought the name Kaileen was a woman's name.

Unbothered, Kai shrugged his shoulders, "I guess she was in a funny mood," he happily retorted, unoffended by Lilith's amused stance. "Now, it'll be rude if you didn't tell me your name," he chiefly said, notably curious about Lilith's integrity.

Quiet, Lilith had concepted of her integrity, the silence between them stiff and inept. Lilith herself didn't even know who she was, her identity blank and artless, but furthermore, she had thought of the identity she would supply to the man in hopes to get it over with.

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