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RATING 18+  [exploitation, grooming, past sexual abuse action isnt written but clearly implied, this chapter gets depressing and triggering, thoughts of suicide].

RATING 18+  [exploitation, grooming, past sexual abuse action isnt written but clearly implied, this chapter gets depressing and triggering, thoughts of suicide]

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"So, how's it been training the Rosalind boy?"

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"So, how's it been training the Rosalind boy?"

Tommy and Joel had been directed to take on patrols given by Maria as signs of infected had been recognised by the working men of the society when it was their turn to take on shifts, it had been a long time since Joel and Tommy were together and conveyed about life and what came with it, the blonde-haired Miller had an idea that this moment was a good time to speak one-to-one.

"It's been good, bud's talented," Joel casually replied, his head didn't turn to look at Tommy but he did a move with his body to inform that he was engaged within the conversation. "Maybe I'll attempt to go on clear outs with him."

"What do you think of Isabella?" Tommy straightforwardly coaxed, his candid and forthright inquest did catch Joel off-handed, he couldn't help but leer at his older brother's culpable reaction, Tommy knew that his brother Joel was infatuated with the new woman, Tommy swore anyone with a brain and a pair of eyes could tell that Joel Miller was tender about Isabella.

"She's a great cook," Joel simply replied.

Tommy scoffed in incredulity. "Everyone can tell that you feel fond around her," he truthfully pointed out, "and you're going to realise it when you start doing stuff for her behind the scenes, because that's how you are, you start taking care of people without them knowing, like how you're helping out with her only boy, you seem to be responsive and devoted about your training with him."

Joel declined on replying, he didn't deny anything due to the fact that Tommy was right, that's how Joel usually was, he serviced those he cared for and the man wasn't even aware that was exactly what he was doing for Isabella.

"Here's some brotherly advice," Tommy thoughtfully aforesaid, "Joel look at me," Tommy airily commanded and the bearded man fitted his gaze towards his younger brother, self-conscious and reticent about the topic, "when she comes back, speak to her, before someone in swoops in and takes her," he light-heartedly teased, "trust me, I've seen the way she's been eyed up, somebody is going to try and woo her soon."

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