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Ellie softly played with the string of her guitar while she lightly hummed along a tune she had practiced; Ivy had laid close to her, on her back as she trained her eyes on a novel from a book she had picked up recently, currently, the two had bee...

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Ellie softly played with the string of her guitar while she lightly hummed along a tune she had practiced; Ivy had laid close to her, on her back as she trained her eyes on a novel from a book she had picked up recently, currently, the two had been in Joel's garage, which had been Ellie's cabin, in need for privacy, Ivy and Ellie temporarily stayed in the small home while the rest of them had been under Isabella's roof.

As much as she had wanted to continue, Ellie's play of tunes which had been ambience for Ivy had come to a halt, the stop of the motion had caused Ivy to look up from her book. Aware that the Williams girl had a troubled look on her face. Engaged, Ivy bookmarked the page she had been on before she slowly sat up. "What's wrong?"

"Is it true your family is going to leave?" had asked and confused, Ivy had wondered where Ellie must've heard it, either from Joel and Isabella but Ivy had doubted that, since they were at Joel's for some time, though, Ivy had wondered if Ellie had heard Venus and Robin about it to each other.

"No," Ivy shook her head. "My mother promised us we will stay here forever," she smiled as she moved closer to her red-haired girlfriend. "I'll be here forever."

Relieved, Ellie lightly tapped the wooden material of her instrument. "That's good," she said her voice more confident as she set down her guitar. The auburn-haired girl reached for Ivy's wrist and pulled the Rosalind girl closer to her. "I really love you," Ellie said and with a stretched smile, Ivy's eyes narrowed in content.

"I love you too," Ivy said before she pressed her lips against Ellie's mouth, her mouth had been a bit rough and sometimes Ivy joked about it.

After she hastily traced Ivy's jaw with the pad of her thumb, Ellie's hazel eyes moved to the object Ivy had once held. "What book are you reading?"

"The Haunting of Hill House," Ivy shrugged fore she picked up her book again, she had thought that the novel had captured the idea of grief perfectly, and Ivy had wondered if the anger, bargaining, denial, depression and acceptance were endless cycles her mother had to continuously go through as she lived. "It was written by Shirley Jackson."

"I've always walked past it whenever I was in the library, never decided to pick it up," Ellie said. "Is it good?"

It's amazing," Ivy smiled as she picked up the book again. "My favourite character is Eleanor Crain."

As she leaned against her bed post, Ellie briefly raised her eyebrows once more. "Once you're finished with the book, maybe I'll start reading it."

"I'd like that," Ivy answered just as Ellie reached out for her.

"Now, give me another kiss," Ellie dared and without second thought, Ivy moved herself to her lover once more.



Kai had been away when their front door was knocked upon, Isabella had been in their living room, both hands on her belly as she gently caressed the swollen lump, unsure if today would bring her hell or heaven. Yet, with confidence, Isabella walked directly towards the sealed door and gently peeled it open to reveal Hana's twin, Lana.

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