Chapter 1

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   "I just don't understand why you couldn't have made me breakfast too." I ask Brett, my ever so sweet boyfriend of almost 3 years. I'm rushing around the kitchen making myself a coffee and breakfast sandwich for my drive to work. Thankfully school doesn't start for a few weeks and it's just to get my classroom ready but, there's so much to do. Brett insisted on morning sex which meant I had to shower afterwards. So he's really the reason I'm gonna be late.

"I didn't feel like it and you aren't incapable." He sits down eating his single served perfect omelette.

"I know that but I didn't wanna fuck this morning either and I did for you."

"Bullshit!" His voice is raised and he slams his fist on the counter. I jump a little but keep making my breakfast trying not to act scared.

"I just didn't want to be late." If I continue to argue it makes him worse so I need to deescalate this whole conversation. I shouldn't have even complained in the first place.

"Well learn how to make me cum faster and you wouldn't be."

"Huh. I guess." I say quick throwing everything in a burrito and rolling it up in tinfoil to go. I head for the door and I hear him get up. My body tenses a little.

"Forgetting something?" He grabs and pinches my arm with his fingers, forcing me to turn around.

"Ow!" I say reacting to the firmness he used, that's gonna leave a mark. Great, better remember to throw a sweatshirt on once I get there.

"Well don't forget to kiss me, and tell me you love me." He said standing in front of me.

"Right." I give him a peck and then turn to leave, but he grabs my arm harder.

"And?!" He squeezes.

"Love you!" I say with a temper and leave.

"Cranky ass." Is the last thing he says to me before the door shuts. I practically run to my car and floor it. I wish he'd respect my job and time. All he does is complain about how long I take to lesson plan, or redo my classroom. I don't complain when he's busy, I enjoy time to myself. He's so needy yet so independent at the same time. It's more like if he's horny I must be available. But if it's the other way around he doesn't care. I don't know, I love him but sometimes I don't know if he really truly does. I just think sometimes it should be different, it's nothing like the movies that's for sure.

      A couple minutes into my drive, I'm shoving my face with the burrito I made and my coffee when my best friend Cassidy calls. She's been my friend since high school. She teaches 1st grade at another school nearby. We both love kids but the only difference is she doesn't want any of her own and I do. If only we could switch and she could have the hormone imbalance I have instead.

I was told a couple years ago that my odds at conceiving would be very low. Brett says he won't pay for any treatments or anything. His philosophy is if it's supposed to happen it would. So that's that. I guess I get it, I don't know. It's just hard for me to fathom my life without any kids.

"Hey girlllll!" She says over the phone when I answer.

"Ha, hey." I respond with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asks immediately.

"It's nothing, I just am running late. Brett wanted to screw this morning and then I had to make more coffee and my own breakfast after he was done making some for himself."

"What an ass!" She told me.

"I know." I agreed.

"Did you tell him?!" She questioned.

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