Chapter 3

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Tw: physical and verbal assault/abuse


Me and my boss Brian are parked at a gas station, talking and watching the traffic in and out making sure everyone's good.

"Missed you last night brother, it was a good time." I tell him.

"Yeah, if Audra wouldn't of had a recital I would've been there."

"Totally get that man, kids come first no matter what." I say. Just then a call comes over the radio. A domestic dispute, a women is being assaulted by her boyfriend just a few minutes away. Me and Brian light it up and take off.

When we get out we hear yelling from outside, Brian pounds on the door after checking it's locked.

"Police!" He says, the yelling continues. I look up at the second floor where I see curtains shaking, and a shadow of the women pressed against the window. I can see the physical fight going on.

"Fuck that!" I say and kick the door in. The adrenaline kicks in and we head up the steps towards a girl screaming and male yelling, something about a cheating bitch.

"Hey! Police!" Brian warns on the way up, we're both drawn with our guns and clearing the house in a hurry.

"Up here!" The girl voice begs. When we get to the bedroom, the door slams shut.

"You called the fucking cops you stupid bitch!" The guy yells.

"Stop it! Help me!" The girl continues screaming. Brian doesn't think twice and gets the door open after switching to his taser. I keep my gun upon entering just in case.

"Get the fuck off her!" He yells loud at him. He's got the girl on the bed, pinned down, there's blood on the floor and bed.

"Screw off!" He yells at Brian, my heart pounds at the sight. These are never fun calls, it's taking everything I have not to drop guys like this to the ground.

"You're gonna get tased!" He warns, I holster my weapon when I see he's unarmed, I grab him by the back of his shirt and yank him off her, I've had enough.

"Get the fuck on the ground! Hands on your head!" I yell, my full attention to the piece of shit on the ground. Brian calls for an ambulance and assists the girl up and out of the room quickly.

"ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" I yell when he tries to get up.

"You're a lying bitch!" He yells.

"Shut the fuck up and put your hands on your head! Now!" I order and get my cuffs out. He listens and I get them slapped on him quick.

"I didn't tell you to fucking move! You stay right there motherfucker!" I say and get on my radio to call in we don't need backup and we got the situation under control.

"All clear" Brian hollers from another room.

I get the guy to his feet and Brian takes him down and out to the car to talk to him. I approach the girl who is sitting on the couch downstairs, with a blanket around her, head hung and clearly crying. Her hair blocking her face.

"Hey, I'm Officer Richter, what's your name?" I ask softening my tone. It's crazy how one minute your yelling and cursing out some asshole and the next you gotta be soft spoken and gentle.

"Jason?" The girl asks and looks at me, it's takes me a second to realize it's Kristen.

"Kristen!? What the hell happened?" I ask with sincerity, I'm shocked she's the victim here.

"Tried to kick him out, but he wasn't budging so I started throwing his shit out and he really didn't like that."

"Where are you bleeding?" I take notice.

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