Chapter 13

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It was Saturday night we, as in Kristen and I were going out with my buddies to drink. I've been needing this night out after the week I've had.

"Is this okay?" Kristen says when she opens her door to let me in.

"Hi nice to see you too." I say jokingly, I haven't seen her privately in almost 2 weeks and that's how she greets me?

"Sorry. Hi." She says and gives me a hug, I embrace her tightly, she smells good, I wish we could stay in and cuddle up on the couch all night instead now.

"You look great." I say and give her a quick kiss because she's trying to run away from me so we can leave.

"Good. It's not too much?" She asks looking down at her cleavage and trying to pull the shirt up so it's not exposed as much.

"You wear what you want sweetheart." I tell her and she looks up at me with soft eyes.

"Bet no one's told you that." I guess. She shakes her head no and I feel bad, her ex was really controlling. Now it's my job to undo it.

"I just have to grab my shoes." She says and opens the little closet near the steps. I admire how hot she looks, her ass in the jeans she wears compliments it perfectly. I feel myself stiffen a little and I look away, it's gonna be a long night if I'm already struggling to keep the snake in the cage.

"Am I the only girl? Does anyone else have girlfriends or anything?" She asks me turning the lights off and ready to leave.

"No, not currently at least, Trent did have a girlfriend months ago, that was a fucking mess. Zach, he's pretty particular when it comes to women,  never turns into anything longer then 3 months. And then Brian he's married but he's not coming tonight, something about his sons football game." I start my truck and start to drive.

"Gotcha. So just me and the boys tonight, I can handle that." She says smiling.

"Just remember who you came with." I tell her trying to be funny, but also serious. I don't need her falling for anyone but me.

"How's Shelby been?" She asks, I'm a little caught of guard.

"Fine, she's very supportive actually. She's just still a little worried about Carter handling me in a new relationship."

"Yeah...well maybe once the school years over it'll be easier." She says, she's got a good point.

"Yeah. I don't wanna talk about this though Kristen." I say ending the conversation. The last thing I wanna have in my mind tonight is my ex and our struggles. I'll talk to her about it eventually but not right now.

"Oh okay...sorry." She apologizes.

"It's okay, I just wanna have a good time tonight with you." I grab her hand and hold it.

"I do too." She tells me. Soon we pull into the parking lot and the place is packed. I see Zach's truck and park beside it out back. I tell Kristen to wait and I go around and open her door. She shoots me a smile and kisses me when she hops out. I take her hand after I lock it and walk inside.

"Hey look who decided to show!" Trent says when we get over to the high table there at.

"Yeah well I picked her up, Kristen, you met Zach and Trent." I introduce, they exchange smiles, and say hello. We sit down and the waitress takes our order. It's loud in here tonight, the games on, people are dancing, drinking, throwing darts, and playing pool.

The night is going good, we're laughing and telling stories about each other, Kristen fits in great with us. She has that smile that once you see it for the first time, you just want to see it again and again.

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