Chapter 10

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I get to Jason's, it's a nice small newer build house in a neighborhood. I didn't know what to expect.

"Who would've thought you'd be showing up here." He says opening the front door. I smile and he lets me in.

"Are you taking your pain meds?" I ask setting my purse down.

"Oh you wanna play doctor now do ya?"

"Jason I came to help you, and I personally think you're too stubborn to think you need to take any pain meds." I say crossing my arms.

"Well guess what sweetheart you aren't wrong." He says smiling at me and his lips are very close to mine I back away and act like I forgot something out of my purse.

"Just take your meds, otherwise it's gonna hurt all night."

"That an order?"

"Yes." I smile and he's doing that thing again, getting close to kiss me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"What?" He pulls back and says.

"Friends don't kiss."

"You kissed me first yesterday." He tells me and I sigh with an eye roll.

"I know. I shouldn't have. It's just too much right now."

"You shouldn't have? Gee thanks."

"I didn't mean to sound...huh. This is so complicated." I say getting tongue tied and rub my head.

"I'm just teasing. Relax. What should we make?" He changes the subject.

"We? No no no, I'm making you dinner, you're gonna go relax." I state, and after another 2 minute banter about that we both stand in the kitchen, making dinner together, like a couple. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Brett never cooked a damn thing with me, let alone himself.

We made bagel pizzas, buttered noodles, and a frozen bag of broccoli. We made our plates and sat on the couch, I tried to carry Jason's for him but his stubborn ass wouldn't let me.

" wanna talk about it?" I ask observing his other cuts and wounds.

"Talk about what? The shooting?" He raises a brow and I nod, maybe I shouldn't of said that.

"Uh not really sweetheart. Besides I shouldn't be discussing it anyway with anyone until it's a closed case." He says focusing on his food.

"Right right. Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." I say with an awkward laugh.

"It's alright. But for future reference...You're better off just not asking." He says nicely yet I feel so embarrassed I can't even take another bite of food.

"I'm sorry." I set my plate down on his coffee table.

"Kris it's fine darlin' really." He insists.

"I should've known, sometimes my mouth just has a mind of its own." I say shaking my head.

"Quit worrying, I promise it's fine. It's not the worst question ever, trust me." He says and sets his plate down too.

"Oh I would never ask...other things." I say looking at him.

"How bout we talk about something else." He says trying to get me out of the hole I keep digging myself into.

"Yeah, well how bout you pick, I suck at it, clearly." I say with a chuckle.

"Ha. How bout we talk about thanksgiving. What are your plans?" He asks and I'm a little taken back. Thanksgiving is in a week, and it's something I dread every year because I have to see my idiotic parents. It makes me almost hate the holiday season.

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