Chapter 17

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Me and Jason are walking around a mall, for a white elephant gift. We have his extended family's Christmas dinner this weekend and like a typical man, he just remembered like two days ago.

"We should eat at Olive Garden, you ever have that?" Jason asks pointing ahead at the restaurant down the other way.

"Of course I have. I like their stuffed ziti frittata." I tell him, I haven't been there in years but I do remember that being good.

"I usually get the chicken parm."

"Seriously?" I laugh.


"That's so basic babe, I would've pegged you for a salmon guy."

"Ha, I like chicken parm what can I say."

"Whatever floats your boat, 1 more store then I want to eat." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him. He lets it go and I turn back and look at him confused.

"Shit, Kristen." He says looking at my ass but it isn't in a good way, it's more panicked.

"What?" I say, my face blankens.

"Are you on your period?" His voice changes to a whisper.

"No, why? Wait no, oh my god!" I'm panicked, I automatically feel my butt and want to die. I never really know when I'm getting it because I'm so irregular.

"Come here.'s on your jeans." He looks around and walks closely behind me, directing me towards a bathroom. My heart rate picks up, I'm freaking out. I feel it now, I have no idea how I didn't before. Guess I was having too much fun with him.

"Is it a lot?" I try and look down to see but I can't with the pace he has me going.

"It's fine sweetheart, I'll go buy you new pants or something."

"No, can we just go? I wanna leave." My face is heated from embarrassment.

"Baby we're like an hour away, you gotta do something you can't just sit in it."

"I know, I'll just clean it up as best I can and then I'll tie my coat around my waist."

"You sure?"

"Yes and then I wanna leave. I'm embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed, at least I saw it. Nobody else did."

"You don't know that!" I say and head into the bathroom. I get into a stall, rummage through my purse. Only to find a god damn panty liner. Fuck me. I bend over and check to see if anyone else is in here. Before I start crying, I remember they usually have dispensers of tampons in bathrooms. I've never had to use one until today.

I go out, put in a quarter and turn the dial, out comes a tampon. Thank god. I snag it and go back in the stall. The damn thing is bigger than my head, least it'll be super absorbent I guess.

I finish up, tie the flannel around my waist and go back out. Jason's leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"All good?"

"Yeah. Huh, I had to buy a tampon, of course I didn't have any in my purse."

"Well at least you got it figured out." He was positive about this entire situation. Which is good because, I am not.

We leave like I requested and go through the drive thru of a Taco Bell on the way home for lunch. I shove my face with 3 tacos and then wanted to take a nap by the time we got home.

I wake up on my couch in Jason's arms. He's spooning me but still sleeping. I slowly grab my phone on the coffee table to check the time. It's 9pm, we slept for an hour? Guess we were both wiped. I sneak away, not wanting to wake him and head upstairs to my bathroom.

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