Chapter 2

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    A couple days had passed, it was Wednesday night now and Brett came back today. He was still holding a grudge. I wasn't, I wanted to move on and be happy again.

"I'm not staying here this evening with you if this is how your gonna act." I say crossing my arms.

"How the hell am I acting?" He questions.

"Your slamming cabinet doors, stomping your feet, you're pissed and I'm fucking tired of it. Get over yourself!" I tell him.

"Screw you." He says and sips his beer.

"I can't. I'm going out." I tell him grabbing my purse. This relationship was once again hanging on by a thread.

"Good, go get laid or something you could use it." He tells me. I huff and turn around to look at him.

"Oh is that where you were? Bumping uglies with some hoochie mama from platinum plus?" I ask arms crossed, that's the strip joint he usually prefers when I'm just simply not enough for him, or we're fighting. He thinks I'm jealous but I'm not, the girls there are ugly as hell, and I know I'm no model but I'm not that bad.

"Call it what you want, at least I'm not as high strung as you." He says with another sip of beer. I think this is his 4th one, usually the truth starts coming out around now. I don't wanna stick around to here anymore and I leave.

    When I get to the pub, the girls are waiting for me at our usual high table in the corner.

"Everything okay at home?" My other close friend Liv asks me. I sit down and shake my head.

"I am done with him. I don't know what to do anymore. We fight about everything and he degrades me like it's his fucking job." I say.

"She'll take a Miller Light and a shot of Tequila." My best friend Cassidy tells our waitress before I can. She knows me so well.

"Kick his ass out and dump him!" Liv says.

"Why does that scare you so much?" My other friend Ashton added. I shrugged. I know why it scares me so much, but I won't tell them he gets physical. The the fear of losing someone who I love is sad too.

"I hate change." I say to simplify it.

"Well this change would be a good one. No guy who really loves you treats his girlfriend like this." Cassidy says.

"It's only when he drinks or he had a bad day. We have good times. It's not all hell." I say fighting with myself.

"But do you think he screwed someone while he was gone?" Ashton wonders. The bartender brings me my drinks. I take the shot right away and ask for another before I answer her.

"That's a yes." Cassidy says, the fact I didn't answer quickly gives it away.

"So let's get this straight. He disrespects you, uses you, degrades you, cheats on you, and you still are wondering if you should dump him?" Ashton says. She's right, they're all right. I'm such an idiot. I need to suck it up and stop settling. They'd flip this whole table over if I also added he lays his hands on me a little to the list.

"Fuck him Kris." Liv says.

"I know. I just need to wait and do it at a better time, he's too mad right now." I explain. They all exchange looks and my stomach shoots into my throat, did I say too much?

"He doesn't touch you right?" Ashton wonders.

"No. He doesn't." I lied right away but my eye contact game sucked. They might know I'm lying. Thankfully the waitress interrupts and takes our order.

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