Chapter 30- The Final Chapter

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7 months later

   It's a Wednesday night, almost 9pm when I get a text. I excuse myself out of the house we just raided when I see it's my wife asking me to call her when I can. I have a feeling it's another craving she wants me to pick up on my way home. Couple nights ago she had me picking up onion rings with a side of mustard. Then she wonders why she has heartburn. The other week it was mustard with spaghetti and meatballs. I can't wait to hear what this is gonna be.

"Jason." She answers.

"What will it be this time darling?" I laugh and take my second tactical belt off, tossing it in the back seat.

"I'm definitely in labor."

"You said that last week sweetheart. Just try and relax, get off your feet, go to sleep. I'll be home by midnight I think." I tell her calmly so she stops worrying. Meanwhile I watch my team bring out the guys we just busted and get them thrown in the back of the cop car.

"No Jason, my water broke, and I'm in a lot of pain. I've been having contractions since lunch."

"Wait what? Seriously?!" Now I'm hustling, she isn't due for another 2 weeks. But I guess nothing about having twins so far has gone as planned.

"Yeah. Carters asleep but I texted your mom like we had said we would, she's on her way."

"Okay okay good. Did you call the hospital?"

"I'm calling them next but I needed you to know."

"Well shit Kris maybe call me, don't text! What if I wouldn't have seen it!" I'm running back into the house looking for my boss so I can get the hell home.

"Yeah well you said to text because I was calling and worrying too much."

"Well this is different. Your water broke, it's legit." I say and get the go ahead to leave the scene. We end up hanging up when I get back to the station and I race home. My moms there already, Kristen's sitting on her yoga ball working through a contraction. Her face of pain takes me back to Shelby in labor with Carter. I forgot how intense it's going to get yet.

"We need to go. Take those bags out. The car seats are already in there." She says pointing at the duffel bags by the door.

"Okay, is Carter still asleep?" I wonder.

"Yeah. I already told your mom everything she needs to know." Kris states attempting to stand up. Her stomach is massive. I can't imagine how uncomfortable she is. My mom holds a hand out for her and I quickly run over to help her too.

"You better get a move on Jason, she's ready." My mom tells me and I nod understanding. One more glance at her face wincing in pain again and I'm taking the bags out to the car.

The ride to the hospital isn't terrible. She almost breaks my hand a few times but I'm a good sport about it. I help her out of the car and carry one bag in with us because she needs help. They knew we were coming so we get checked into triage right away. They check her, make sure it was her water that broke and come to find out she's 4cm dilated already. She tells them she wants an epidural immediately so they call and get that ordered. Meanwhile we get moved to a labor and delivery room. Her contractions are about 3 minutes apart so we had to stop once on the way there.

"You're doing great mama. Twins are hard work." The nurse tells her while she works through a contraction in the middle of the hallway.

"Almost there baby." I tell her. She straightens and exhales, that one's over now...time to keep moving.

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