Chapter 26

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"So, what do you think about me asking Kristen to marry me?" I study Carters face, mouth full of ice cream. We're in the middle of the mall food court and I'm hoping this conversation goes well.

"Really!?" His face lights up and I am relieved.

"I won't if that's not okay with you." I admit honestly. As much as that would kill me inside, my kid will always come first. There's always a hope that maybe in the near future he'd change his mind too. But I don't think I'll have to worry because, he seems pumped.

"No I want you to! I like her, I want her to be my mom."

"Well she would be your step mom, moms still always gonna be your mom. But you'll have two now who love you, isn't that cool?"

"Yeah, am I still gonna live with you though?"

"Yeah bud, nothings really gonna change, Kristen just gets a really expensive pretty ring and we have a wedding. And she stays forever."

"I'd like that. When is the wedding going to be? I hope it's not during the school day." He says and I laugh.

"First I have to ask her, then we'll figure out when the wedding is. It won't be during the school day though. I promise." I say and he smiles, taking another bite of his ice cream. I remind him he can't tell her or say anything about it to anyone because it's a secret. Most parents probably fear their kids wouldn't listen and ruin it but Carters a good secret keeper. Over the years Shelby or I have asked him to keep secrets when it came to things like gifts and such and he's never spoiled it. While I brag about it now... I know in 10 years when he's a teenager I'll be wishing he sucked at it.

After we're done eating we hit one more clothing store and then we're done. We've been out all day back to school shopping. He starts 1st grade in just 3 more weeks, which is surreal. Kristen had to go in for meetings and training so I took the day off to spend with Carter. We don't get many days like this so I enjoyed it and I think he did too.

"Babe can I come in and brush my teeth?" I ask through the bathroom door. Kristen's in the shower. Today is her first day of school and I am getting ready to head into work. Carters still sleeping, he starts today too and will be riding in with her beings it's the same school.

"Yeah. I'm almost done." She says and I push the door open.

"No rush, not like I haven't seen you naked before." I joke but she sighs with annoyance. "Too early?" I ask knowing it's not even 6am.


I brush my teeth and rinse my spit out of the sink so she doesn't have to. I don't always remember to do that and she gets irritated at me for it. She turns off the shower water and opens the curtain. I hand her her towel and she covers her naked body sorta quick.

"Everything okay?" I wonder because she doesn't ever do that.

"I'm just nervous. Like more than I thought I would be."

"Really? About what?"

"It's 4th grade. These kids aren't little like I'm used to." She says as if I should be able to read her mind.

"So? I think you're gonna be great. I know actually. They're going to love you just like we love you."

"I hope. I feel like I have to mature my brain more. Kindergartners don't understand anything. These kids can like read and ask god knows what questions."

"Kristen stoppp, don't think so much. Nothing good comes from overthinking a simple situation."

"Simple? You think this situation is simple?" She questions. Shit. I just dug myself a fucking grave.

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