Chapter 18

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   Cassidy, Ashton and I got tickets to see Luke Combs tonight. I haven't seen Ash in months. She travels for work and has been super busy. Liv wanted to come but, had some work party. I haven't seen much of her either she's pretty busy too. We all keep in touch though which is key to any friendship.

"Is this slutty?" Ashton emerges from my bathroom and asks me and Cassidy while we're doing our makeup.

"Hold on." Cassidy says focusing on finishing putting her fake eyelashes on.

"I mean...a little." I say looking at what she has on. Knee high cow girl boots, a short black leather skirt, and a white lace bra crop top.

"Let me see." Cassidy tells her and she turns to face her. "You could switch to a bodysuit."

"No, guys. I'm going for slutty." She tells us which makes us laugh.

"Oh. Well then yeah, I'd fuck you." Cass says with a shrug.

"I'm not that easy, I'd buy you drink though." I suggest.

"Perfect." Ashton leaves the room satisfied.

"She's definitely gonna go home with some fake country boy." I tell Cassidy and put the finishing touches on my hair.

"And if I'm lucky I'll wake up tomorrow next to a real one."

"You wonder you're such good friends." I laugh. Cassidy and Ashton were friends since they were little. I only know Ashton through Cassidy. I love them both god they make me nervous with their sex lives.
We got an Uber to drive us to the venue because let's face it, none of us will be capable of driving home later. We're going to be 45 minutes away from home too.

"So did Jason care you were doing this tonight?" Cassidy wonders soon after we leave.

"Not really. He's working tonight."

"So he's not the jealous type?" Ashton asks.

"I don't think so? I mean...he trusts me, he knows I'm not gonna do anything." I shrug because I'm unsure. I don't think he cares I'm doing this, but I also didn't see him yesterday or today to get a read. I pull my phone out, maybe I'll be able to tell by a few texts.

Me: "Hey, we're on our way now. Hope the radios quiet tonight for you. Be safe."

Him: "So far so good. But it's Saturday night, still probably end up working well into the morning. Have fun tonight, be careful please. I love you babe."

Me: "I will, love you too."

He's definitely not jealous, he sounds like normal Jason. Thank god, they freaked me out for no reason.

"So how is he?" Ashton asks.

"How is he? Good...? He's working all night but I mean-"

"No. Not that. In is he?" She clarifies.

"Oh,, good. I don't know!" I feel my cheeks instantly heat with embarrassment. Our driver glanced back at me in the mirror making it even worse.

"Well is he the best you've had or?" She continues and Cassidy is just sitting there also wanting to know.

"Um most definitely! Without a doubt."

"How long did you guys wait?" She questions.

"Well I mean we did other things first...but it was soon after new years when we...yeah." I usually am not this shy with sharing but the Uber driver is listening and I hate that.

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