Chapter 11

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It's Thanksgiving day, I'm looking forward to Kristen meeting my family, and she seems to be too. She's wearing a short black dress with sheer long sleeves and brown boots.

The drive there is fun, we talk and sing and laugh. I could definitely get used it. Only thing missing is Carter of course.

When we get there I can tell she's a little nervous, she does this thing where she holds her fingers altogether in her other hand. She did it when I was in the hospital, she did it at the fall fest a couple weeks ago, and she did it on the day of the trial.

"You good?" I ask her when she doesn't move away from my truck.

"Yeah." She fakes a smile and walks towards me.

"Don't worry, they're gonna love you." I assure her and we walk towards the door, I make sure to grab her hand.

My mom is welcoming with open arms, the house smells like it always does on thanksgiving, burnt. But hey, it's better then undercooked.

"What a fun surprise! When Jason said he wasn't bringing Carter I was a little down but then he said about a girlfriend and it got me excited!" She talks sorta fast, hopefully Kristen can understand what she's saying. She turns and smiles at me when it clicks she said girlfriend.

"Now now, technically mom we're just friends." I correct.

"Oh well you know me, I don't care about the technical crap, you like her she likes you? I say boyfriend girlfriend." She shrugs and heads to the oven to stir something, and me and Kristen laugh it off.

My sisters boyfriend Garett is here too, he doesn't say a word ever, it's painful to even try and talk to him so I don't. I'm helping Lex set the table, Kristen's helping my mom in the kitchen and their talking up a storm. 

"So where'd you meet her?" Lexie asks.

"It's complicated." I say.

"Ohhh I get it, one of your call girls perhaps?" She tests and I bite my tongue.

"On the job. I can't say more than that." I argue.

"Seriously?" She asks, she hates not being able to know information.

"Seriously Lex drop it."

"Well I'm not stupid, clearly she was a victim or witness to something pretty big, otherwise you wouldn't have met her on the job considering you're swat." She puts two and two together and I shake my head.

"Lex...shut the fuck up. If she hears you she's gonna get all freaked out."


"Because it's too personal. How bout we switch, your turn. Tell me about you and socially awkward." I counter.

"Jason...!" Mom calls me out and Lexie laughs because she saw her coming in the room and didn't say anything.

"Sorry mom." I say before heading to the kitchen to see Kristen but I don't see her.

"Where's Kris?" I ask Garrett, he shrugs of course.

"Where'd Kristen go?" I ask my mom who comes back to get more food to set on the table. 

"Using the bathroom, Jason, she seems sweet, a redhead was not something I expected from you." She says.

"Whys that?" He asks.

"They're fiery, supposedly. You must really love her." She heads back to the kitchen and I follow her.

"I don't really pick based on hair color, and mom we're just friends." He says trying to get off the subject of love.

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