Chapter 5

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It was a couple days later, Sunday morning to be exact and on my way out the door to church I hear a voice outside not far from me.

"I know you're with one of those cops." Brett says. I turn around and see him stumbling a little towards me, and his speech is slurred.

"What the fuck are you doing!? You were supposed to go check in to rehab! That was the deal!" I argue.

"You can't make me go so looks like jokes on you." He says with a drunkend laugh

"How much have you had to drink Brett?" I ask looking at his eyes.

"Don't matter." He looks away so I can't see his pupils.

"It's 9am! What are you thinking!?"

"I didn't come here to get yelled at, I came here to get the truth." He slurs.

"Brett this is not what I wanted to deal with this morning, I'm headed to church, now I have to call someone to come get you." I say annoyed and take my phone out.

"Call someone? Shit I drove here I'll just leave you alone in your little perfect world." He says and turns to leave for his truck.

"What?! No! Absolutely not!" I go after him.

"Don't wanna hold you up for your church service, that you think will heal you or some crazy shit." He says and I try and ignore the fact he was never really religious and that was never really a good thing for me.

"You can't drive like this! Give me your fucking keys now!" I yell as he gets the keys from his pocket.

"What do you care?!" He says.

"Just because we broke up doesn't mean I want you to get hurt or die!"

"Yeah right!" He tells me.

"Seriously stop!" I dial Jason's number but Brett's almost at his truck before I can talk to him, I put my phone in my pocket and run after him.

"Brett stop! You can't drive!" I grab him and pull him back but he swings and arm back.

"Get off me!" He yells.

"Brett I will drive you!" I say and grab the keys from him when he looks at a truck driving by.

"Hey! Give me my damn keys!"

"Get in the truck and I will drive you!" I argue and walk away backwards because he's approaching me. I start thinking back to when he came at me, my heart started racing. This isn't good, I shouldn't have done this, I should've called Jason before I even opened the door.

"No! Now give me back my fucking keys bitch!" He's mad, I turn around and head for my door running, but he gets a hold of me before I reach it.

"No! Stop!" I yell when he throws me to the ground, I threw his car keys on my way down, I have no idea which way they went though. My vision is blurry now, I hit my head on the ground hard and now he's on top of me.

"I should've done this a long time ago."

"Stop..!" I'm dizzy but see his fist wind up and then everything goes black.

"Now where'd you throw my fucking keys!?" I hear him say. Am I dying? Is this what's happening? I hear a truck in the distance and then I hear yelling but I can't make out who it is.


"Fuck off!" Brett yells back. I hear the cop on the phone with someone and soon I hear sirens. I'm sure they have Brett in handcuffs and I'm guessing more police and an ambulance showed up. Maybe Jason is one of them? I did call him in hopes he'd save me, and it worked. Otherwise I have no idea how the cops knew to come.

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