Chapter 12

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"Hey buddy! How was your day?" Jason asks Carter at pickup, I stand and let him tell his dad what he learned and what he ate for snack, Jason is so good with him it's so sweet.

"I thought I was going to moms this weekend?" He wonders.

"You are but I had to pick you up because she's working longer today. So we're gonna go get some lunch first, sound good?" He asks and I'm jealous, I wanna go..haha.

"Yay!" Carter said and then ran off to talk to another one of his friends.

"Hey you busy tonight?"

"I'm not." I say quietly looking around, I hope no one hears.

"Wanna sit in my tree stand?" He asks smiling, It's the last thing I was expecting him to say, but hey im down!

"Yeah sure! I haven't done that in years!" I say.

"I'll pick you up at 4?" He says seeing another parent approaching to steal me. I nod in agreement and say bye to them.

Jason is 10 minutes early which is perfect. I'm always early and ready way before I need to be. It's a nervous thing I think. I open the door to see him in head to toe camo and smile. This man looks good in everything.

"Hey girl." He smiles back and comes in.

"Hi." We share a quick kiss which came very natural. I don't know when or if I'll ever stop feeling dirty for kissing him. I feel like I'm still in a relationship and I'm cheating. It is sorta a grey area though, not that we're cheating or anything but just the fact that we're sorta unofficially dating I guess. I don't know, it's all new to me. I'll just wait to hear what he refers to me as I guess. Because I am not asking, that's just an awkward pressured situation waiting to happen and I know how good at those I am.

"This is the best I have." I say looking down at my brown pair of leggings and muck boots."

"I have a jacket and pants you can put over top of it if you'd like." He offers.

"Oh! Okay good haha." I laugh and shut the lights off.

"You can put them on when we get there, the stands only 10 minutes from here." He tells me and backs out of the doorway. I lock it behind me and follow him to his truck, he opens the door for me and I hop in. It doesn't take me long to see how clean he keeps it, I see a booster seat in the back and a bow. He gets in his side and starts it up, adjusts the music and heads out the driveway.

"Looks like it might rain." I say seeing the dark clouds in the distance.

"Yeah, I checked it out, it's supposed to miss us." He says.

"Good, so where are we going? Gameland?" I wonder.

"No my buddy Zach, you met him, he's got some land."

After sitting in the tree stand for an hour, the sky gets dark and cloudy, it's going to rain. Jason checks the radar on his phone and is convinced it's going to miss us. I don't think it is but I don't say anything, because what do I know.

"I felt a raindrop." I whisper, just a couple minutes later. He holds his hand out and feels, it picks up quick and we watch it get heavier.

"Damn it." He quick grabs his things and tells me to head down the latter first. I'm laughing the entire time and watch him come down, he was way faster then me and he didn't even use the last 4 rails.

"Let's go." He tells me and we run back to his truck. We're completely soaked and laughing once we're settled, listening to the rain on the roof and windshield, it's heavy downpour.

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