Chapter 4

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When I get to the police station, the officer at the front desk takes me back to a small office.

"Kristen?" I hear Jason call my name and I turn around to see him, looking hot as ever in uniform again.

"Hi." I say with hesitation. Fuck, I was hoping he wouldn't be here. With the way things were left at the hospital...he's gonna think I'm insane for what I'm doing.

"What are you doing over here?" He asks, I inhale and brace myself for his reaction.

"Posting Brett's bail, and dropping the charges." I say not being able to look at him.

"...give us a minute Drew." He says to the officer I was with. He walks into some other room, where there's 2 desks and a couple filing cabinets. He shuts the door behind me and I put up my defense wall, ready to hear it.

"Is someone threatening you?" He asks.

"What? No!" I say honestly.

"Then why the hell are you getting him out?!" He asks with eyes of anger, I knew he'd think I was stupid but I feel like an idiot now with how he's talking to me. My face says it all...appalled.

"Sorry." He rubs his neck. He must see how taken back I am by his anger.

"You didn't hear him on the phone with me last night. He said he'd go to rehab. I've been with him for awhile now and I've never heard him apologize as much as he did, or tell me how much he loved me!" I argue.

"A man who loves you doesn't treat you like that!" He tells me.

"He was drunk!" I remind him standing my ground.

"For gods sake. Doesn't matter! He was well aware of what he was doing. That guys a fucking loser, and I think he's gaslighting you!"

"Well maybe he is, but you shouldn't even care!"

"Well I do! Let that motherfucker go, you can do better!"

"I really can't!" I cross my arms, I'm practically shaking.

"Okay. You know what, whatever." He shakes his head and can't even look at me.

"I can't believe you're this mad at me. You don't know me." I say.

"I know enough about you to know you don't deserve a piece of shit like that." He tells me. I'm struck at his strong opinion.

"Guess you think pretty highly of me then, screw you!" I say through gritted teeth and leave the room. The other officer I was with was still waiting and she took me to post his bail. The entire process I felt foggy, like I was doing the wrong thing. Jason was so mad at me, how can someone I barely know be that pissed about something like this!? Even Cassidy was better then that, she wasn't for it but she supported me still.

On the walk to the cell where he was I had a wave of confidence come over me and I ran with it. I knew what I had to say to him before I left.

"Mr. Matthews your bail has been posted." The officer tells him and unlocks the cell. My heart starts getting faster.

"I love you Kristen." He gives me a hug but I pull away after a second.

"Yeah no. I'm still dumping you, and you're going to rehab like you promised. I'm gonna drive you back to my place, you're gonna pack your shit and get out by tonight."

"Babe really?" He tests.

"Don't babe me, I'm serious. Let's go." I say and the officer shows us out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified he was going to hurt me or something again but I had confidence that sober he wouldn't. So as long as he doesn't drink until he's out of my house and gone I think it'll be fine.

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