Chapter 8

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"Kris, did Jason say what he was doing today?" Cassidy asks me while I get out of the car and get my keys and phone in my purse.

"No why?" I shut the car door and we start walking towards the entrance to the local fall fest they have going on.

"Cause I know." She says and I look at her confused. She points out in front of us. I look and see a group of officers in the commotion of the whole fair, they have a table set up and their talking to people. It doesn't take me more then a second to find him.

"Oh shit. What do we do!?" I panic.

"What do you mean what do we do?!" She asks back.

"How do I play this!?"

"Don't play anything, stop playing games. You guys are practically dating, you're sucking face-"

"We are not!" I argue quieter as we get closer.

"Well you know what I mean, just don't play games. You're gonna walk me over there and introduce me again. Give him a hug and act normal." She shrugs.

"That comes across as boyfriend girlfriendy!"

"Since when does a hug mean anything? We hug." She points out.

"You and I both know that's completely different." I say and she shrugs

"Oh fuck, Carter!" I say and practically get whip lash turning the other direction.

"What?" Cassidy questions but follows me, I head for the back of a food truck.

"Kristen?" I hear Jason call out.

"His kid!" I say quietly before he rounds the corner.

"Oh!" Cassidy gets it now.

"Kristen, hey. I didn't know you'd be here today." He says.

"Yeah haha, same here I guess." I laugh and try to calm down.

"Cassidy right? How are ya?" Jason turns to her.

"That's me! I'm good how bout you?"

"Good, we're doing some self defense demonstrations soon." He says looking at his watch.

"Nice!" Cassidy says.

"I saw Carter was here." I say as he opened his arm up for a hug.

"Yeah and Shelby." He informs and I pull away, not wanting them to see us.

"It's fine Kris." He tells me and goes in for a quick kiss and I give him my cheek, Cassidy looks away instead of staring which I appreciate.

"Jas, let's go." Zach yells at him that they're ready.

"Talk to you later?" He asks and I nod before he runs off.

"If he ain't scared about his kid and ex wife seeing you together I wouldn't be either."

"Yeah he says it in the heat of the moment though, that's the problem." I say and we head to go watch them demonstration. "I just don't wanna make it look like something it's not." I add.

"You don't seem to have a problem with what you two are doing." Cassidy points out.

"I don't."

"Then why are you saying you aren't ready to date. This is dating Kris, just because he hasn't like asked you to be his official girlfriend means nothing."

"Well it should." I argue.

"Then you and him gotta clear that up." She tells me and the conversation is ended when a speaker starts talking.

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