Chapter 25

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   Finally, time to sit down, crack open a cold one and enjoy this beautiful weather. It's 4th of July weekend at my family's lake house. It has and will always be my favorite vacation.

Cassidy came up with us because Brian and Nicole weren't coming. So, now Kristen isn't outnumbered and has someone to be with. Zach just pulled in a couple minutes ago and Trent last minute asked if he could bring his new girlfriend. Her name is Cheyanne and the only reason I've met her before is because she's an ER nurse at the hospital. Us being police officers end up there often and you get to know the staff there after a while. Trent always talked about Cheyanne, always tried to get in her pants but she played pretty hard to get. Guess he somehow roped her in.

I help Zach bring his shit in while Kristen and Cassidy are cutting up food to take out on the boat later. When I tell Zach who Trent's bringing up he doesn't even believe me. That's how funny and crazy it is.
We're all floating around the lake right at our dock in inner tubes, drinking a few beers while we watch other boats drive by wakeboarding, or tubing. There's a lot of jet skis out that are entertaining to watch too.

"That them?" Cassidy asks, gesturing towards the house. Trent's truck is pulling in and parking.

"Yup, it's about time." I say and float to the edge. Everyone follows and we walk up to greet them.

"Would've been here sooner but there was so much fucking traffic on 80." Trent says.

"It wasn't terrible, we only stood still for like 20 minutes." Cheyanne says. She looks different outside of scrubs. Her blonde hair is down and curled around her face. I've only ever seen it up in a messy pony tail. Kristen steps forward to introduce herself to her.

"I do remember you, so glad you're out of that situation and doing better now!" Cheyanne tells her. I guess she would've been there at the hospital those two times. I don't even remember, it's not a memory I like to think back on.

"Oh that's right, I don't remember much of who was there." Kristen says and then Cassidy interjects herself into the conversation which thankfully changes the subject.

"I'm Cassidy. Props to you for putting up with him." Cassidy says right of the bat. This weekend might get interesting between these 3.

"Ha thanks?" Cheyanne is clearly confused but acting nonchalant about it.

"Ignore her, don't listen to anything she says." Trent tells her and pops the tailgate.

"Surely you told her already. The truth?" Cassidy tests. Me and Kristen look at eachother, Zach grabs a duffel bag and heads inside not wanting any parts. Cheyanne looks at Trent and he scoffs.

"We went out. Once." Cassidy tells her before he can.

"I don't even think it qualifies as a date when you run away before we get the main meal." Trent attests. We all head inside with our hands full of their things. Definitely gonna be an interesting dynamic.

"Wait wait wait. You two, went out?" Cheyanne looks shocked, not impressed she's just learning who she's spending the weekend with.

"Mhm." Cassidy nods and smiles

"Baby this was like way back when. Months ago." He downplays it but Cheyanne doesn't seem very relieved.

"Cassidy, come for a run with me. Before we go out on the boat, while they unpack and stuff." Kristen intervenes which is a good call. Although I'd love to see Trent dig his way out of this one.

"We can talk about it later." Cassidy says playfully to Cheyanne, shoots Trent a glare and goes with Kristen.

"She's wack, seriously don't worry about her." Trent assures Cheyanne but she still doesn't look too thrilled.

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