Chapter 20

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Tomorrow is Kristen's birthday, I told her I took the day off to spend with her and do whatever she wants. Which isn't the entire truth. I actually took the entire weekend off, and I'm on my way to her place to surprise her with what we're actually doing.

She has the front door opened with just the screen door closed. I smell chemicals, cleaning chemicals that is. I walk in, she's got all the windows open, the floors freshly mopped, the kitchen is sparkling and she's got music playing so loud that there's no way she knows I'm here.

After I take my boots off I walk through the house and observe her up in her bedroom. She's folding laundry at her bed. She's in black spandex shorts, an oversized T-shirt and her hairs up in a messy bun. I quietly walk in and hug her from behind, bracing myself for her to jump and most likely hit me out of self defense.

"Huh! Jason! Don't do that!" She jumps but laughs about it. Swatting my arm and playfully using her ass to push my body away.

"Ha, I'm sorry darlin' I had to."

"You're lucky I didn't start swinging!" She says with a laugh. She turns to face me and puts her arms around my neck.

"It was a risk I was willing to take." I kiss her, grabbing her waist, and pulling her closer to me.

"You're early."

"I know, I have a surprise for you." I give her a peck on the lips again, she cocks her head at me.

"What is it?"

"Well, pack a bag."

"What? For what?!" She lets go of me, I can tell she's flustered.

"I'm taking you to my families lake house for the whole weekend. Get packing." I tell her, her face lights up.

"Really!? Oh my god! Wait. I have to finish cleaning!"

"Looks pretty clean to me babe."

"I'm almost done! I just have to run the vacuum." I follow her out of the room to a closet in the hall. She pulls out an ancient vacuum cleaner and runs the 4,000 foot cord down the hall to plug in. I know what else I'm getting her for her birthday now. I even have a better vacuum than this. I watch her get started and then go downstairs to close up and lock the windows for her awhile.

Once I'm done I go back upstairs and lay on her bed, watching her pack. Watching her rush around, thinking and talking to herself might be the cutest thing I've seen her do.

"Is there a washing machine?"


"Is it hot there?"

"It's not supposed to get higher than 75, and no colder then 55." I tell her and she goes back in her closet.

"What about food?"

"I packed it all."

"Are we going in the water? Do I need a swim suit?"

"No, naked is perfect." I smile.

"Very funny." She blushes and I feel myself stiffen. I get up and step into her decent sized walk in closet with her. While she's looking through her clothes I run my hand down her back and round the bottom of her ass. The tips of my fingers brushing her pussy. The spandex shorts she's wearing compliment her curves very well I can't resist.

"What are you doinggg?" She asks playfully but keeps at what she's doing.

"Depends." I kiss the top of her shoulder.

"Depends on what?"

"On what you want."

"I want to but, I'm all sweaty and gross. I should shower quick." She says and starts to pull away.

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