Chapter 24

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   Well it's officially moving day. Last night Jason, Zach and Trent helped pack all my belongings in the moving truck. That way in the morning I could get the last of my things together and get to the new place. Cassidy really wished she could be here to help but, she is in Florida visiting her dad. She goes every year around the same time, and I refused to let her change that tradition. Liv did come help me pack up some boxes a couple nights this week which was a big help.

I do one last walk through my place, Jason does too just to make sure I didn't forget anything. He turns the lights off and closes the doors to rooms that are cleared and good. The final walk out through the kitchen and living room is when I start to feel a little sentimental. I'm trying so hard not to cry because it's silly. I'm moving in with the man I love, I should be happy enough about that to counteract my tears...right?

"You unplugged all your appliances right?" He asks me as we near the front door. I nod, attempting to hide my sadness from him but he sees right through me and I feel him get closer. He gives me a hug and a kiss on the head.

"Lot of memories here." He rubs my back.

"Good and bad." I add sniffling. This house was full of fighting but then cleansed with nothing but love. I am ready to have a new home filled with nothing but memories of happiness. We stop hugging and he follows me out, shutting the door behind him. I wipe a couple tears and take a deep breath as I head to my car.

"I'll keep an eye on ya but maybe just put the gps on." Jason tells me. He's driving the truck, Trent's going with him and Zach's driving Jason's truck. We all file out and I wave to my neighbors if they're out. It takes everything I have to keep my emotions in check. I know I'll be back here to see Cassidy sometimes and all these guys but it's still hard.

We get to the house, the guys unload the truck and I help with as much as I can. They have one more trip to Jason's and then we're here for good.

"Trent why don't you stay here and me and Zach will just go. I don't have much and then you can help Kris move stuff around if she needs it." Jason asks probably because it's dumb to waste gas taking his truck too.

"Yeah that's cool with me." Trent nods and they leave.

"Where do you want me?" He's being extra nice, Jason must have told him not to bust my chops too much today.

"Well. I wanna clean before I get too settled. Maybe I'll start in the bedrooms so we can get that furniture in place and work our way out?"

"Alright, point me in the direction." He's nothing but willing. I look around and find the box of cleaning supplies. Hand him a rag, windex, a duster, and tell him to have at it. I find the cordless Dyson vacuum Jason got me for my birthday a couple weeks ago and take it to the master bedroom.

It has been a long ass day. It's 11pm until me and Jason are finally sitting down on our couch. I was determined to unpack as many boxes as I could and find a place for everything. We don't even turn the tv on. We just sit in silence, indulging on the Chinese food Zach picked us up for a late dinner.

"Feels weird neither of us is going to leave tonight or in the morning." I say out loud looking around at the mix up of both our belongings in the room. His tv is on my entertainment stand. His couch holds my decorative throw pillows and blanket. It's all intertwined now and I love everything about it. The look, the feel, the idea. It just makes me happy.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you everyday. Hugging you everyday. Kissing you everyday. Having sex with you ever-" he's inching closer to my lips with his.

"Uh hold the phone on that one babe." I laugh and stop him from coming onto me with my palm on his chest.

"I'm teasing. There is one more thing to do though to make this place officially ours."

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