Chapter 27

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"I think I'm gonna talk to my doctor about medication or whatever the first step is to getting pregnant." I tell Jason as he climbs into bed with me.


"Uh yes?" I scoff at him.

"Don't you wanna get married and everything first sweetheart?"

"Yes but I just think it's all going to take time and I wanna get it started." I snuggle with him, it's cold in our room but I like it. Just need him to warm me up and I'll sleep like a baby.

"And what if you're pregnant on our wedding day?"

"Well then I guess we'll save on alcohol." I joke.

"Kris no seriously."

"What do you mean seriously? You think I give a damn if I'm pregnant!?" I pick my head up to see his face.

"I guess not." He shrugs.

"Never. It's all I want. Hell put me in labor during the ceremony I don't give a flying fuck." I lay back down and he laughs at me.

"Ha, then see what they say." He says and kisses me to say goodnight. I'm excited, I wasn't sure what he'd say.

Within 2 weeks my doctor puts me on a medicine called clomifene. I was surprised it wasn't a longer process. I thought maybe Jason would have to get checked out first or they'd say to try extra hard first. But I guess that's a perk of having the same doctor since I was 18 years old. She knows my history with pcos. Brett never wore a condom and we were sexually involved for almost 3 years. Jason wore them in the beginning before he knew he didn't have to but still. All these years and nothing. I mean, I guess technically I did have one pregnancy a few months ago. But I feel robbed that it ended before I even knew about it. If anything it gave me a little hope. Like, pregnancy is possible because it did happen. I just need a little help with this medicine hopefully.

While it's only my 3rd day taking it, I am expecting to experience some side effects because I am sensitive to things. I also ordered a bulk box of ovulation and pregnancy tests on Amazon. It's just the test strips and there's about 50 of each in the box. My doctor suggests I take an ovulation test everyday and 2 when I'm supposed to be ovulating so that I can keep track of my cycle. I don't know the ins and outs. It's very involved and who knew there is really only like one day a month you can get pregnant? You see these teenagers get knocked up on accident all the time, or even couples. All claiming it was an accident. Like how? How can you just accidentally get pregnant without trying. I wish I had that problem.

"How do you think I'm supposed to know if it's the medication making me sick or pregnancy?" I ask Jason while I read the side effects listed on the bottle. Upset stomach is the first one.

"Ha. Good question. I'd ask your doctor." He says getting his lunch together. It's Saturday and he's heading into work. Meanwhile I'm starting on some wedding planning. Calling some venues to see what's open and not too expensive. I gotta figure out when I wanna go dress shopping, research places for catering, and I have to go grocery shopping which isn't wedding related, we just need food. I'm looking forward to nailing down some plans but I also know it's going to be quite the task.

"Yeah but maybe I'd have a positive test by then so it wouldn't be confusing." I suggest looking back at the bottle of pills.

"Yeah that sounds more likely. If I remember right, I don't think you get sick right away. I could be wrong but I don't remember Shelby getting sick until she was out of her first trimester."

"Oh really?"

"I think. You could ask her sometime. Everyone's different though."

"No it's fine. I'll look it up." I say. No way I'm asking his ex wife about pregnancy, that's weird. Telling her we were engaged was a little awkward for me too. She was happy for us but I could see it in her eyes...she was a little jealous. I head to the couch with my coffee after kissing Jason goodbye for the day and open my laptop.
It's a little after 1pm when I leave the grocery store. I notice the vehicle behind me is awfully close. I look in the mirror to try and see what they look like. I'm a little creeped out because I recognize him. He was in the store when I was, I passed him a few times. I just brushed it off as some horny middle aged guy who probably liked how I looked in the jeans I'm wearing.

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