Chapter 6

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I get to Shelby's around 6 just like she said. Carter greets me with a big hug and smile at the door as always.

"Hey bud."

"You gonna be good for your grandma right?" I question looking beyond him to see my ex mother in law sitting on the couch, she smiles and waves.

"Alright I should be back before bedtime but in case I'm not, I love you and goodnight." She says kissing our son on the cheek.

"See ya buddy." I say and she comes out the front door.

"How was your day?" I ask her and we get in her car.

"Fine you?" She asks.

"Good." I say and we head off to the school.

"So you met her yet or not?"

"Who? His teacher?" She questions.


"Of course. She's nice, I've loved her so far."

"Yeah we'll see."

"Let your guard down a little Jason, please?" She asks. I laugh, I'm just very protective over my son I guess.

When we get there I follow Shelby down the hallways, passing by all the other parents on the way. We walk into the classroom and I look around at my surroundings, noting there's a back door in case of emergencies. We're supposed to sit at carters desk so we walk around looking at all the name tags. We find his towards the back corner and sit down. The parent beside us tells us the teacher was going to go to the bathroom quick before getting started and should be back soon.

"Sorry everyone! I also picked up the handouts that finally finished printing that I'm going to send home with you tonight!" A very familiar females voice says, I pick my head up and watch the red haired beauty get settled in the front of the room. Oh my god, Kristen is his teacher. You've got to be kidding.

"I like to start off these nights by introducing myself and get to know me a little bit, I also have all of these facts written out for you all so you can cross reference. That way when your child comes home and tells you something they think they know about me, you know it's in fact not true." she says making everyone laugh including me, she was good at this. Public speaking, teaching thing. She seemed so shy when I've been with her. She goes around and hands out the papers and continues talking.

"I'm a 100% believer in, you learn from your mistakes. It was my first year teaching, had the sweetest little girl, loved her, her parents were so kind. Well let me tell you, those sweet little girls can also be as sassy as they are cute. I get a call around 3pm one Friday afternoon from her mom saying how her daughter came home claiming I didn't know the whole alphabet." She stops and everyone starts laughing before she continues.

"I laughed and explained how we don't sing through the entire alphabet song until we learn about the letter. The mother of course knew I wasn't incapable but she just had to call and talk to me about this, after all, her daughter did come home yelling at her parents to get her a new teacher..."one that actually knows her shit". To be exact." She uses hand quotes and everyone starts laughing hysterically including me. I find it so appealing that this kindergarten teacher, well Kristen, can act her age with all the parents here and no kids. It's like stand up comedy. I was expecting to have to listen to a high pitched baby talking adult to talk to us the whole night about all the butterflies and rainbow drawings she likes to send home. No, that is not the case, she's good, I can tell.

"So yeah that's why I hand these out now, keep them handy cause you really never know when your gonna need it. I recommend the refrigerator." She says and everyone laughs again. Everyone is reading over them as they come. She gets to the table we're at and sees me upon setting the papers down at Shelby.

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