Chapter 28

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I get out of the shower and go back out to the living room. Kristen's laying on the couch on her phone, Carters watching some kids show. I can tell she's tired and probably ready for the week to be over. She had a lot of meetings this week. I sit and talk a little about our days. I ask Carter about his and then she proceeds to ask if I can brown the beef for dinner tonight. I of course say yes, I actually enjoy cooking. While I'm getting everything out I hear Kristen ask Carter to turn the tv off and get his homework done before dinner.

"I don't want to." He says with a whine.

"I know but it won't take long and then you can play or watch tv the rest of the night."

"No I don't want to." Carter says and I have to stop myself from intervening. I'm not always gonna be here and he has to learn that she's the boss too.

"C'mon bud, it's one paper and it's fun. You get to draw." She eggs on trying to make it sound fun.

"No now just drop it." He says and I'm in that room quicker then I can blink.

"Carter! Turn the tv off right now, get your homework and go sit in your room until it's done!" He scurries at the first sound of my voice. Once his door shuts I look at Kristen expecting her to say something but she doesn't.

"Babe, don't be afraid to let him have it." I tell her.

"I'm usually not. Just wasn't up for it today."

"Gotchya. Well I'm going to have to remind him that what you say goes just like it does for me and Shelby." I state before going back to the kitchen. Kristen comes in and starts to help. She gets a cutting board and opens the bag of lettuce.

"I got it Kristen. Go sit down." I insist. But she doesn't, I let her go and start browning the beef in a pan.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." She says, I look over at her when I hear the sadness in her voice.

"What do you mean? Hey." I grab her and hug her.

"I have no energy." She cries.

"That's okay. Are you saying that cause I'm making dinner?" I guess.

"Yeah. You shouldn't have to make dinner, I was home in plenty of time, it's not hard to do. You worked longer than I did today, it's not fair."

"Aw baby stop, I don't mind at all. I know you're having a crazy week, it's all good alright?"

"I really don't deserve you." She laughs. I smile knowing my words were comforting for her to hear.

"Ha sweetheart yes you do. I don't deserve you." I hug her tighter.

"That was good" I say, collapsing on the bed beside her. Trying to catch my breath, I feel like I just ran 10 miles. Not to mention I was sleeping, she woke me up at 11 wanting to have sex. I'm not complaining at all, don't get me wrong but, sometimes it's exhausting.

"I feel bad." Is the first thing she says.

"Feel bad for what?"

"Because you usually do all the work and it's not fair to you."

"I don't care, I like being in control and I know you like me in control too." I know that for a fact. She likes being submissive and I 1000% like being a dominant alpha male. So I don't know what she's talking about.

"Yeah but I feel bad you're so tired by the end and I'm not because I barely did anything."

"Kristen stop, don't even give it another thought. I have no complaints about anything sex related with you okay?"

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