Chapter 15

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Christmas morning

The next day I wake up and have to remember I'm at Jason's. The room is dark, the sun barely gets through the edges of the curtains. I'm in his bed alone, maybe he's making breakfast for me. I'm starving, as I remember I hadn't eaten much since my parents. Ugh, my parents. I will never be able to get over the rude things that they said.

I get up, throw on my pajama pants and decide to stay in the sports bra I'm wearing, it's warm in here. Before I head to the kitchen I make my way to the bathroom.

I push the door open and see Jason standing there naked. He's wet, drying off from the shower he must've just took. My body numbs and heat rushes to my cheeks.

"Shit sorry!" I pull the door back shut and close my eyes wishing I was dreaming.

"Ha." He laughs and then the doorknob is pulled from my hand, I look and he's standing there still naked. His eyes look at my lips briefly and my heart starts to race more. He inches closer to me and then goes in for it, I accept it ever so boldly, my god were like animals. It's a firm passionate kiss, our tongues don't take long to meet again. He grabs me and holds me against his chest which forces our breath to get heavier.

"I wanna make you feel good." He tells me. My stomach gets a little nervous but I shove it down. He picks me up and carry's me to his bed.

"Wait, let me clean up and brush my teeth." I go to sit up and push his hovering body away.

"I don't care about that kinda stuff." He says but I insist because It will be better for me if I'm more confident.

When I come back he's gentle, he takes his time and makes me feel special. It's a feeling I've certainly never felt before.

After a few minutes his hand is lingering into my pants, his fingers brushing over my wet underwear.

"Someone's horny..." he says kissing my neck and I giggle playfully, then nervousness hits me again like a ton of bricks. I sit up quickly to stop him.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I just don't want to have sex yet. I mean I do, but it's too soon I think, I don't know, it's only been a couple weeks and-"

"Kristen relax...I honestly wasn't going to try and have sex with you right now. I thought I could finger you...taste you maybe." His low sexy voice flirts and I get butterflies.

"That would be fine with me..." I feel my cheeks heat, I'm blushing, I know I am. He kisses me again and gets on top of me.

He was nothing short of gentle, he made me feel special even through my vulnerability. I haven't been touched like that in...well, ever. It was never gentle with Brett, I thought I liked it rough and hardcore but Jason just proved I don't. I like it slow and sweet.

"Just remembered it was Christmas." Jason says filling the space of silence as we lay on the bed catching our breath.

"Oh my god!" My hand flings to my mouth.

"What? You forget?" He laughs.

"Kinda but I can't believe it's also the same day we just did all that for the first time."

"Something to tell the grandkids one day right?" He laughs and makes his way out of the room.

"Grandkids Huh?"

"Jokes." He says and I follow him to the kitchen.

"I'll make some coffee and then I want you to open your present."

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