Chapter 22

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Today Jason and I are going to look at a couple houses with his realtor. I'm really excited and feel special I get to go along. It's been a little over a week since I had the miscarriage. I'm looking forward to being distracted from that and putting my energy elsewhere. Everywhere I go I feel like I'm bombarded with sympathy and there are god damn flowers being given to me everywhere I turn. My work, my house, Jason's work, my church, and my one neighbor even left me a single stem with a card attached at my door. While I'm blessed to have such caring people in my life...I've grown a hate towards roses. Red ones to be exact.

Cassidy spent last weekend with me because I refused to let Jason take anymore time off. She helped me a lot, we had really good conversations about the whole thing. The key for me to keep moving and not dwell on it is just remembering "everything happens for a reason." While I probably won't ever know the reason, I know I just have to trust in god.

"Shelby asked me what was going on with you so I had to tell her..." Jason informs me on the way to the first house.

"How'd she know something was going on?"

"Well, you were out for a couple days for one. And she knows me pretty well, I guess she could just tell something was on my mind."


"She said she was-"

"So sorry to hear it?" I finish his sentence.


"Can't wait to get out of this town now. I'm trying to move on and everyone else wants to talk about it all the fucking time." I lay my head back in the seat. Everyone knowing your business whether it's good or bad is annoying as hell.

"You tell anyone we're moving?" he questioned.

"No. You said you wanted to wait."

"I know. Just checking, I didn't know if you slipped up with Cassidy last weekend."

"Oh. No I didn't. I wanted to so bad but I think telling all them like you said will be fun." I explain as we pull up to the house. The realtor is here waiting for us. Jason parks and we get out.

"Tim Stunson, nice to meet you both." He introduces reaching his hand out to Jason.

"Kristen. You too." I shoot him a smile as he shakes my hand.

"This house is a little over 1500 square feet, sits on about an acre, 3 bedroom 2 bath, finished basement, attached 2 car garage. Single story obviously, and they have a decent sized back patio." Tim rambled as we followed him inside.

"Oh wow." Jason said. It was nice, semi open concept, new floors, white walls. The kitchen was updated, all new appliances, cabinets and countertop.

"What do you think?"

"It's gorgeous. Move in ready." I say with a laugh and smile.

"It is, let's head down the hall and see the bedrooms here." Tim says and we follow. There's a bathroom first, a closet, 2 bedrooms and then the master at the end of the hall with a master bathroom.

"Could definitely see us in here..." Jason whispers to me flirtatiously. I blush and playfully nudge him. We head out to see the garage, basement and then backyard. I could see us here, it was a perfect size, not too small. It's big enough to host people and grow a family hopefully one day. We all get back in our vehicles to go to the next property.

"So thoughts?" Jason wonders when we pull out onto the road.

"I'd live there. It had everything, plenty of room for us, and Carter of course."

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