Chapter 19

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"Hey, you wanna hit the gym tonight?" Trent asks me while I'm getting my things from the locker room.

"I'm dog ass tired dude, and I got Carter this week. Maybe sometime this weekend." I tell him. I just worked a 14 hour shift and, couldn't even get my kid from school. Thankfully Kristen was able to once again.

"No problem, I'll hit Zach up, he's a gym rat."

"Probably fucking slept there last night." I laugh.

"Ha, you know who I saw in there the other day when I was with him?"

"Who's that?"


"Oh yeah? How was that?"

"Fine. I mean she gave me the finger but-"

"Kristen said she's pretty stubborn, once you cross her you're kinda fucked."

"It's almost April. I'm not apologizing for something that happened 2 months ago. Besides, she never thanked me for taking her drunk ass home so until that happens...she can kiss my ass."

"More like kick your ass." I joke and get ready to leave.

"Whatever, later man. Tell the wife I said hi." He says with a pat on my shoulder as I walked away.

"Not my wife yet."

"Soon enough."

"True, later man." I head out to my truck. He's not wrong about the whole wife thing. I will marry her, we've talked about it briefly. We are seriously working towards a future together. We've both agreed how great it is to feel secure with someone like one another.

"Hey bud! Sorry I had to work late, did you have a good day?" I say when I get in the door and see Carter watching tv.

"Yeah, we had our ice cream party and played games!"

"Oh that's right! End of year party, they were always my favorite." I tell him and sort through the mail I grabbed on my way in.

"Hey." Kristen comes from the hall saying. She smiles and I go to kiss her but she gives me her cheek.

"How are you?" I graze a hand across her back. She's wearing a tight sweater and I can't help it.

"Good, you? How was your day?" She heads to the kitchen and I follow. She seems off, I can't figure out why exactly though. She seems almost jumpy.

"Wish I was home earlier. I'm sorry it's been happening more often then it should but-"

"Jas it's fine hun, are you hungry? Dinners almost ready." She interrupts me. She's also never called me "hun" before which makes me think somethings definitely up.

"Uh yeah starving, I took my meal way too early to be getting home this late." I act like I don't suspect a thing and go along with everything.

"Yeah, well it's ready, Carter go wash your hands bud." She says opening the oven. Carter runs to the bathroom and I grab plates from the cabinet for all of us.

"Ow! Shit! God damn it!" She yells and runs over to the sink.

"What happened?!" I quickly go over to her.

"Burned my fucking hand, I forgot the damn hot pad."

"Let me see it." I insist, she lets me take a look and then I go to the bathroom to get ointment and a couple bandaids for her. She's definitely distracted, who forgets to use a hot pad as they're reaching into a 400 degree oven?

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