Chapter 21

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   Jason had texted me earlier today and said he might be a little late tonight because he had an important meeting. It sounded like it was sorta sprung on him so I was understanding and just waited to make dinner until a little later.

When I hear his truck pull up I unlock the door and open it. I watch him walk towards me. He doesn't look at me until he gets in the doorway then, a forced smile right before he embraces me. I get hit with a wave of anxiety and nervousness. I push away because I can't breathe with him suffocating me in a hug.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking up at his blue eyes.

"Nothing, I had some meetings today."

"What does that mean?" I get more nervous, did something happen on the job that he's getting in trouble for or something?

"'s good for me. Not so much you."

"Why? What happened?"

"Let's eat and talk. I'm hungry." He heads to the kitchen where the food is steaming and ready.

"Jas I can't eat when you spring something like this on me. I need to hear it, my hearts like pounding."

"They want me in Allentown...on the swat team down there. The crime rate is a hell of a lot higher and it pays almost twice as much."

"What!? Babe that's amazing! Why do you seem so concerned about it? I don't understand." My anxiety is diminishing and my heart rate is calming down.

"It's an hour away."

"That's not that far, we can make that work."

"Yeah and what's your plan for when I ask you to move in with me?" He asks and my stomach shoots into my throat.

"Um...I guess cross that bridge when we get there?" I chuckle.

"Well I'm there." My eyes bug out and my eyebrows raise.

"You' wanna move in together?" I question stuttering.

"You don't?"

"Um...I guess I didn't really think much about it yet." I'm at a loss, he totally caught me off guard.

"I was planning on asking you about it soon. Just got this thrown at me before that."

"Right..." I didn't know what to say. I'm thrilled but my whole life is here, my job, my friends, and I love this town.

"What do you think?" He asks and I sit down on the couch. He follows and waits to hear me out.

"I don't think I can. I can't move. I have my job. I love my job."

"They're other schools Kristen."

"Not like this. I love my boss, my co workers." I say and start getting emotional and shaky.

"Then what was your plan for if we got married?"

"You still worked here." I point out obviously.

"Right." It's quiet for a few seconds.

"What about Carter?"

"I haven't talked to Shelby yet. We'd make it work...we always do."

"I don't know...maybe this is all a sign."

"A sign for what?"

"A sign that we really aren't made for each other. I mean cmon, it's all been a little too perfect don't you think?"

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know..."

"Kristen. Don't say that shit unless you're serious. Do you not wanna be with me?"

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