Chapter 14

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It's Christmas Eve, Jason's coming over soon and then we're going to my parents for brunch. I'm not looking forward to it one bit, my parents are selfish, rude, negative, and just the most ignorant people in the world.

"Damn, you look hot as hell." He tells me standing in the doorway with a gift.

"Thanks." I blush and let him in.

"So I feel kinda like an ass because I have never met your family and so I didn't know what to get them so-"

"No no, nothing. I took care of it."


"I signed both our names on the gifts, don't worry about it."

"Well then let me give you some money." He pulls his wallet out.

"No no no, Jason. It's good."

"I can't take the credit babe." He seems really sincere.

"You're not taking it all!" I laugh at him and we head out the door.

"When do we have to be back? Do you have plans for later?"

"No, I'm all yours, the big Richter family Christmas dinner doesn't happen until January." He tells me opening the passenger door to his truck.

"Oh good, well I didn't plan on staying past 1." I laugh and he helps me in, the things jacked to the damn sky and I have the gifts in hand along with my purse.

"Alright, maybe we'll have time for something else too..." he flirts, reaching up and kissing me after I get situated in the seat. His tongue makes itself known that it wants to come out and play, but I can't even play back. I'm too nervous about today, I try and swallow my fear so he doesn't get the short end of the stick.

"Everything okay?" he asks pulling away.

"Yeah." I laugh off and go back in for kissing him. I'm scared that if I tell him I'm so nervous he's going to either, also be nervous or, feel like he has to try and talk me out of it. I don't need to be talked out of my feelings because I'm the only one who knows how this is actually going to be, my parents are insane. I pick up my tongue action so he doesn't think anything else of it.

"What's going on babe?" He pulls away again to ask, I guess I'm a not very good at hiding my feelings. Or it could be the fact that he is a cop and deals with people lying on a daily.

"I'm fine." I lie and shake my head.

"No you're not. Don't start lying to me now."

"Huh. You're a tough one." I laugh but he doesn't. He steps back and waits for me to talk, I sigh, look down at my hands and play with them. I'm nervous around him still, this is the first time something like this has been an issue, we haven't had any fights yet or anything. Not that this is a fight but it's a thing.

"I'm just. Really anxious about going."

"Don't be, I've met them before."

"Not as my boyfriend." I add.

"Babe relax, I'm good in a social setting, I can be charming." He winks

"You don't know my parents, they're crazy."

"So what? You aren't...I'm dating you."

"Guess you aren't all about marrying the family too then?" I ask.

"No I'm not, but marry?" He raises a brow.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even think-" My face feels flushed, why would I say that. I bury it in my hands and try not to burst out in tears with embarrassment.

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