Chapter 16

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It's New Year's Eve, the following morning after I overheard Jason talking to Trent talking about us. When he came to bed last night I acted like I was already sleeping because, I didn't want anything to happen. I felt too overwhelmed and pressured. I don't want our first time to be because I feel that way.

I wake up to Jason rummaging through his duffel bag, I glance at the clock, it's 7:45am. I slept really good for being away from home.

"Hey, good morning." He smiles at me and doesn't hesitate to give me a quick kiss.

"Hi." I say back and lay back down on my back to stretch and wake up a little more.

"Dad? I need help." Carter opens our door and says. I nonchalantly pull the covers over me a little more beings I'm not wearing much.

"With what?" Jason wonders.

"I'm hungry." Jason laughs as he pulls on his socks.

"Ha, give me 5 minutes okay?" He says, Carter nods and shuts the door again. I sit up more and can't help but wonder.

"Have you talked to him about all this?"

"Like us?"

"Yeah, and the fact that during the week I'm his teacher at school and outside of that I'm sleeping in the same bed with his daddy?" I cock my head and Jason chuckles.

"Darlin' don't worry. I've talked to him about it. He's good with it, I promise. If he wasn' wouldn't be here right now." He kisses me again and I sigh.

"Whatever you say." I shrug.

"Take your time coming downstairs, Nicole is probably still sleeping too." He says heading to leave the room. I get up when he shuts the door behind him and get dressed.

The day is very relaxing, we all eat breakfast, hangout, the kids are playing outside the entire day. They're crazy, it's really cold out, I don't know how they're not freezing.

Zach goes out and starts a fire in the fire pit for them, they wanted to roast random things they found in the woods. It sounds like they're playing some sort of survival game. All the guys end up going out and standing around it, cracking open beers already. I think it's 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I'm actually surprised they all waited this long to start drinking, with it being new years and all.

"So I've been dying to hear your version of the story. How the hell did you and Jason even get to where you are now?!" Nicole asks when we sit down in the living room, she hands me a cup of spiked hot chocolate.

"Ha, it's such a whirlwind. He pretty much saved me life." I start off by saying. She wants details though so I back track and give her the entire story. She's so intrigued, and I feel very confident in sharing even my past with her. She's not one of those women who just wants to be nosey, she genuinely cares.

"What a testimony, that's inspiring." She says, and I can see a twinkle of a tear in her eyes. I almost started crying while I was telling her everything. It's the first time I've relived it and talked about it sorta all at once.

A couple hours had passed, me and Nicole were filling snack bowls and making a big pan of Buffalo chicken dip for an appetizer to have with burgers and hotdogs.

"Nicole!" Brian's voice bellows from the hall. I look at Nicole, she doesn't look at me, just walks away to see what he wants.

"Did you forget to pack the other case of beer?! I had it sitting in the garage with the rest of our stuff?" His voice is a little hostile but Nicole's tone back to him seems as if it's not a big deal. Maybe even normal? I don't front of all these people he doesn't seem too concerned.

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