Chapter 29

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   My nerves are in the fucking sky. I didn't think I'd be this nervous to marry the love of my life. It's really not that big a deal! I've been telling myself that all morning and it has yet to work. I hardly slept last night, mind you I did spend the night with just my girls at our house while Jason went and stayed at Trent's with the guys. I puked twice before we fell asleep and then I got up at 4 and threw up again. My nerves are just in knots about today. I think it's more over everything running smoothly and my parents not showing up to rain havoc than anything. I can't wait to get on that plane tomorrow morning and fly to our honeymoon destination...Colorado! I want to hike and explore every mid west state one day but for now, Colorado is a step in the right direction!

"Kristen I know you and Jason aren't supposed to see eachother before everything but he wants to talk to you." Cassidy says entering the church bathroom.

"What? No! About what!?"

"He's worried about you."

"I'm fine. Everyone pukes on their wedding day Cassidy."

"4 times?"

"Um yes! I'm fine. I'm drinking lots of water and eating when I can."

"Okay...I'll tell him but I have a feeling he'll still insist." She says and leaves.

She was right, he still insisted on talking to me. We aren't doing a first look or anything, the first time he's going to see me will be when I walk down the aisle. So Cassidy and Trent figured out a way to set us up by propping a door and having us stand back to back at it. I will say hearing his voice and holding his hand is calming my nerves down greatly.

"Hey, you okay? What's going on?" He asks once we're alone. His thumb gliding over my knuckles showing he's genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm just nervous." I admit again.

"Don't be nervous. I love you so much." His tone is soft, and his hand tightens on mine.

"It's not that. I'm just thinking about if my parents would show up or something stupid."

"Don't worry about that baby, the church doors will be locked, and all the guys can see the doors from the stage. If anyone shows up that's not supposed to I told them what needs to happen." He says and I laugh a little.

"What exactly is that?"

"Don't worry about it. They got a game plan and will have your back. Always." He assured me and we let go. Cassidy pokes her head in to tell us everyone's ready for when we are and it's almost 2pm.

"Ready to do this thing?" He asks me and I smile to myself.

"Hell yeah." I gained all the confidence now and just wanna do it and get it done.

"Good. Love you, I can't wait to see you up there." Is the last thing he says before we part ways. I'm glad we did that, I needed it.

I'm standing outside the church doors with the bridal party. Waiting for the music to start.

"Kris. Take a deep breath, you look like you're gonna faint." Zach says to me out of nowhere. Do I really look like that? I don't feel faint, just super anxious again.

"I know I know." I take a deep breathe like he said still and attempt to laugh it off.

"She's worried about her parents." Liv informs him and the music starts in the chapel. We all hustle to get back in our spots when Trent interjects.

"We got your 6, you look great. Deep breath and smile for the cameras." He winks at me and Cassidy blows me a kiss and mouths "I love you" to me, I blow her one back and smile,

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