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My last update tonight cause ya'll I've had a busy day 

Third Person Pov 

"I swear if you say one more thing" Jay says with a frown. "One more thing" Chris says with a smug look making jay want to smack him. "If I had a dollar for every time you get on my nerves I swear I'd be rich" Jay says and chris laughs. "If only cause lord knows you need the money" Chris says. 

"Word to my mother i hate you" jay says clearly angry making chris smile he loved getting on the other males nerves. "Aww i hate you more" Chris says and jay takes a deep breath before turning away from chris.  "Why you being quiet now?" Chris asks before laughing as jay walked away from him. 

"Why you acting like that?" Chris asks before getting up and following him. "Why you asking so many questions?" Jay asks and chris shrugs. "Why won't you give me answers?" Chris asks and jay rolls his eyes. "Why won't you leave me alone?" Jay asks. "Why are you so annoying?" Chris asks. 

"Why are we going back and forth?" jay asks and chris smirks. "Why are you questioning it?" Chris asks and jay felt his blood boil as he grew more and more tired of the conversation. "Why am i walking away and done with this game of twenty questions?" jay asks before speed walking away. 

"Why you walking away like i can't just come after you?" Chris says. "Why am i thinking of ways to hurt you if you come after me?" Jay asks making chris laugh. "Ight I'll leave you alone" Chris says before rolling his eyes hearing jay let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank god you finally got the hint" Jay says. 

"Shut up!" Chris yells before smiling hearing jay's laughter. 

I based this chapter off the way me and my friend used to argue i swear he used to get on my nerves but now he my bestie so we cool 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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