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Be sure to check out my book opps attract (kay flock x edot baby) and my book addicted (kay flock x dougie b)

Third Person Pov 

As chris drive to his house he couldn't stop thinking about elijah and kevin. He's happy his friends happy but what would happen if anyone else found out. Elijah and kevin were both putting themselves at risk simply because they liked each other. Chris smiled thinking about the way elijah described kevin. 

It was obvious his friend had fallen hard but he didn't want elijah to fall to quickly and not get caught. "What's on yo mind?" Jay asks and chris shakes his head. "Nothing important" Chris says making jay straight face him. "Don't lie to me i can tell something is wrong" Jay says and chris sighs. 

"How did you feel when david started dating darrian?" Chris asks and jay laughs. "Shocked more than anything but i was also worried cause i could tell how much david loved him and i didn't want him to get hurt" Jay says honestly. "I understand why you felt that way. You were worried that he would fall but not get caught" Chris says. 

"Exactly! Are you going through something similar?" Jay asks. "Something like that" Chris says and jay nods deciding not to question. "it's gonna be so funny when you fall in love" Jay says and chris laughs. "Not happening" chris says. "Why not?" Jay asks. "For a number of reasons" Chris says. 

"Name one" Jay says. "Love makes people weak it will cause you to do things you'd never do and out yourself at risk just for a person who may not even be worth it. Love will make you put feelings before logic and make you think that things are good when in reality the person you love is lying to your face" Chris says. 

"Not true. I mean sure love does involve heartbreak but that's not all it's about and it doesn't make you weak it just makes you feel things you didn't before" Jay says before placing a hand on chris's shoulder. "I think i know what's going on your afraid of being hurt which is understandable" jay says. 

Chris parked into his driveway and turned around making eye contact with jay. "But i can promise you that it'll all be worth it and that there's a lid for every jar and you'll know when you find that special somebody" jay says. "Do you really believe that?" Jay asks. "Do you really think i'd be sitting here saying it if i didn't believe it?" Jay asks. 

"Do you wanna start another game of twenty questions?" Chris asks and jay laughs. "Do you want me to hurt you?" Jay asks making them both laugh. Soon they stopped laughing and looked into each other's eyes with their facial expressions changing. They drowned out the sounds of the night. 

Focusing on each other and the hand that hadn't left chris's shoulder. Soon they found themselves getting closer before chris closed the distant between them. The kiss was passionate and had both their hearts racing. Jay's hand moved from chris's shoulder to his cheek caressing it gently. 

They both pulled away with their hearts still racing and their faces heating up. "W-we should go inside" Jay says trying to break the awkward silence. "Yeah we should" Chris says before moving completely away from jay. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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