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Third Person Pov 

Chris had a lot going through his mind not just with elijah and his relationship but what was happening between him and jay. Chris hated love more than anything in fact but now whenever he thinks about love he thinks back to when him and jay kissed. How his heart felt weird whenever jay was around. 

Chris began to think about what made him hate jay. He remembered when he first went to hang out with david and jay was in the kitchen singing his favorite song. Jay looked so happy and carefree making chris get a weird feeling. At the time chris thought it was a feeling of annoyance. 

Then he thought back to every time they told the other they hated each other. But recently he felt another emotion being mixed in with the hate. He couldn't place his finger on what the weird emotion was but it was getting harder and harder to shake off. He remembers darrian told him to except his feelings. 

But how can he except an emotion he knows nothing about an emotion that's pretty much a mystery to him. Meanwhile jay was thinking the same thing. He wasn't like chris when it came to how he felt about love. But he couldn't get chris off his mind and every kiss made his heart skip a couple beats. 

Every kiss leaves him wanting more even though he knows he shouldn't feel like that. It was still shocking to jay that he actually liked chris when before he couldn;t even stand being in the other males presence for to long. Both of them knew that the hate was being joined together with another emotion. 

This other emotion was growing stronger and neither of them could shake it off as easily as they could before. Jay then heard the downstairs door open and then saw david make his way upstairs and it seemed like his limp had gotten worse. "Ight bro what's up?" Jay asks and david looked confused. 

"Nothing I'm fine. I fell out of Darrian's car when he pulled up and hurt my leg" David says before going to his room and closing the door. Jay didn't even question he just went back to his wild thoughts. 'What is this feeling?' Chris and jay both asks themselves. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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