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Ever since i did bxb new york drill i have been seeing so many books ion know if i started it or not but if not let's imagine i did 

Third Person Pov 

Chris felt like it was him against his feelings and his feelings were winning by a landslide. He doesn't know why the feelings are starting to become stronger. Before he could easily shake the awful feeling off but now he can't and it's all thanks to jay. Jay with his stupid cute laugh and stupid cute smile. 

Chris found himself smiling thinking about jay. Jay truly wasn't like anyone he had ever meant which made him special. He was always special chris just didn't realize but a part of him hates that he's starting to realize. He figured it was only a matter of time before cupid's spell to took full effect. 

He knows him and jay just started seeing each other but he had known jay for awhile and this feeling has been there the whole time becoming stronger as the days went by. Jay had been going through the same thing. Both of them were driving themselves insane just thinking about the other. 

They were on each other's minds twenty-four seven. Their hate relationship had started turning into a hate love thing and chris knew it was only a matter of time before love took over. A part of him wanted to follow darrian's advice and except his feelings while the other part wanted to run and never look back. 

They both were having similar thoughts i guess great minds really do think alike. THey always wished they could get along but now they were getting along better than either of them could have imagined. 

Updates to all my other books coming tomorrow 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

I wish we could get along (Jayklickin x dudeylo)Where stories live. Discover now