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(Isla aged 5 / Finn aged 7)

"Isla! Isla, where are you? This isn't funny anymore sweetheart!" My mother's voice calls out steeped with frustration.

Giggling to myself, I make a dash into my mother's beloved flower garden before squeezing myself between the loose wooden panel on the picket fence that she still hasn't discovered is broken. I barely make it through the gap in time before I hear fast approaching footsteps, so I quickly slip behind the huge bushes at the bottom of our garden before I'm seen. Covering my mouth in order not to be heard laughing, I hold my breath as I see my father rush past, cursing under his breath.

"Any luck?" My mother calls out to my father.

"Her scents everywhere, she's not gotten far. I'll not go light on her this time, Allannah. I don't care what you say. She's got to learn her place." My father growls making my smile drop.

It's all my father's fault that I'm here hiding in the first place, stupid etiquette lessons! Who'd want to learn to become a lady anyway!? All I want to do is be out playing in the woods with other pups my age. It's so unfair that my brother Kai gets to take part in warrior training, and I've got to sit at a piano or learn how to hold a fork correctly.

As I hear my father continue to bluster his way around my mother's flower garden in his quest to find me, I decide that I'm going to make a run for it and see how far I get. Last week I made it as far as the packs general store before my father's warriors took me back home. Today I'm going to try and make it to the bakery and hope to get a free cupcake before I'm dragged back to my dance lesson that I'm already late for. It's a bit of a gamble, as it would be the furthest, I've ever been without an escort but as I'm already in trouble I figure that one of 'Betsy Blues' cupcakes will make it all worth it.

Through the bushes I can see my father's large figure bent down looking under some shrubs in the opposite direction, so I quickly make a dash for it whilst he's not looking. After about ten minutes of darting from tree to tree to stay hidden from patrolling wolves and no doubt my father's personal warriors that will now be looking for me, I decide to take a longer route round where I'm less likely to be seen before I hit the bakery.

I don't have my wolf yet to guide me due to my age, but sometimes I swear I get these little feelings in my belly, kind of like butterfly's that tingle from time to time when I come by this way. I kind of like the feeling, which helps me to decide that this is the right route to take. Looking around carefully once more I go to make a run for it but stop in my tracks when I hear pups playing nearby and I go to investigate further in case they'll let me play, something I barely ever get to do these days as I'm always in lessons.

The fence that surrounds the Grey Crescent Orphanage is made of high metal spokes that has ornate edging at the top. From what I've overheard, my parents have spent time and money making it a nice place to live, however when I walk closer up to the bars, I can't help scrunching up my nose with dislike. This is not somewhere I'd ever want to call home, even though it's the start of summer, the place just feels cold compared to the pack house.

My eyes dart to the group of pups laughing and playing off in the distance in a small playground and I give out a huff of annoyance when I see there is no way I can scale this wall to join them. Slowly I start to walk around the perimeter fence, gliding my hand across the spokes looking for any loose ones that I might be able to push apart to I can squeeze through, but there's none. The orphanage is sealed up tight so no trespassers can enter.

Sighing with frustration, I kick the fence before I slump down onto the ground with my knees tucked in tight and my head resting on top. This was a mistake. My dad is going to be so mad when I'm dragged back home, and it's not even been worth it. My appetite for a cake completely disappears and now I just feel utterly alone.

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