Part 22 - Bonus Chaper

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"You're not to say anything in there. Got it? You're here to listen and learn, not to talk. Your uncle and I will do all the talking. Say nothing about Isla's condition at present." My father grumbles to me in a low voice.

"Fuck, I said I got it; you don't have to keep repeating yourself. I want this as much as you guys." I reply back in a hushed voice.

My father nods before he leans back against the large cherry leather sofa we've been asked to sit on until it's our turn to be seen. I watch as he runs a hand over his large braid in his hair before he puffs out some air.

My dad's nervous, he's never nervous. But after what happened to Isla during the full moon two nights ago, I've never seen him so determined.

My Uncle Lucas comes to sit down opposite us with a folder of documents in his hands and a stern look on his face. My uncle and father have barely spoken for the last three years because of the rift caused by Isla and Finn been separated. However, he came, when it mattered my uncle came and I'll always be gratefully to him for that.

"We have a problem" My uncle growls in a low voice to my dad. "They've swapped the lead elder for our plea."

"Who is it?" Growls my father, leaning in closer.

"Elder-fucking-Warren." Grits out my uncle as my dad snarls.

"Why? Why's that bad?" I question, confused, but my dad grabs my arm to silence me as the huge ornate wooden doors slowly open from across the foyer and the wolf councils clerk enters and starts to approach us. His shiny black shoes click then echo around the room. For some reason the sound seems to set my teeth on edge.

The council of wolves' offices and courts is a huge building which borders between three different packs to the East of where Grey Crescent sits, but is not part of anyone packs territory, it's on neutral ground. It usually takes a couple of days to get here by car, but as this was an urgent meeting, we flew here in less than an hour. My mother is staying at a nearby hotel under heavy guard as my father goes nowhere without her, however my sister doesn't know we're even here and remains in the healer's unit being watched over by Beth and the rest of the Gamma family. I think it broke my mother's heart when Isla said she'd rather be with Alice and didn't want her at the hospital.

"Alpha Drake of the Grey Crescent Pack." The clerk bows to my father respectfully as my dad gets to his feet, but he barely acknowledges the clerk's pleasantries.

"...and Alpha Lucas of the Black Mountain Pack." The clerk begins to say as my uncle growls.

"Of the Red River Pack. The Black Mountain Pack was my former pack. I've explained this several times now. In fact, every-fucking-time I'm forced to come here." My uncle grits through his teeth.

"Ahh, and as we've explained to you...several times now...this role you have at Red River is merely a caretaker role. Hence why you're still listed as the Alpha to the Black Mountains and will be introduced as such at the hearing." Explains the clerk condescendingly which surprises me.

My uncle hides his emotions perfectly at the disrespect he's shown as he gets to his feet, then towers over the clerk whilst he stares down at him with his cold icy eyes.

"Then let's get started." My uncle says seriously in a low voice.

It's amazing how threatening he comes across without actually doing anything. Smirking, I watch the clerk physically gulp before he shuffles back and leads the way to the court room, my father nods to my uncle then to me to follow.

As we cross the high polished marble floor towards the wolf council courtroom, I cast my eyes around the huge antique oil paintings of all the former Elders from over the last few hundred years. All are males I note. Most of them are well known to be notorious, pious assholes with only a few exceptional good wolves to have ever made it onto the council. My great grandfather being one of them. I know it's long being an aspiration for my dad to join this rank after he retires from our pack, it's why he's always strived so hard to stick to Council rules. But I kind of agree with my uncle, the council of wolves are a bunch of pricks.

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